
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Community Recovery Work Underway in Eagle

Flood recovery operations are proceeding in Eagle. One of the first objectives of emergency managers is gaining road access to the old and new...

Idaho’s transgender sports ban faces a major legal hurdle

Idaho's Fairness in Women's Sports Act, signed into law in March 2020, would categorically prohibit transgender women and girls from kindergarten through college from competing on teams that align with their gender identity, including on intramural and club teams.

Bill Aims To Arm VPSOs As Danger Levels Rise

The legislature’s Community and Regional Affairs Committee convened Tuesday to discuss House Bill 199, a proposal to allow arming village public safety officers in rural Alaska. Download Audio

How Much School Can A Student Miss?

The high cost of travel for extracurricular activities in Sitka’s schools has been an ongoing debate for years. Now, the school board is going to take a hard look at whether travel costs students and parents more than just money. Download Audio

Anchorage rabbi: Political polarization threatens to ‘rip us to shreds’

Rabbi Michael Oblath of Congregation Beth Sholom said he asked police to send a patrol car to sit outside Saturday services for his congregation, which is the largest and oldest Jewish congregation in the state. In a phone interview with Alaska Public Media's Casey Grove on Monday, Oblath recounted how he heard the news, and what the congregation was talking about in its wake. Listen now

Sailboat Crew Sharing Views On Ocean Changes

The 64-foot Ocean Watch sailboat is circumnavigating the Americas to teach communities on both continents about the vulnerable, changing oceans. The ship is in...
A man wearing a jacket in a boat looks out over sea ice.

Declining sea ice in Kotzebue Sound is shortening subsistence hunt for seals, study finds

The study found that the ugruk hunting season is ending an average of 26 days earlier than normal.

Valdez Marine Life Slow to Recover After 1964 Quake

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks University of Alaska Fairbanks research shows tiny marine life in Port Valdez was slow to recover following the...

J-1 Program Safe Until November

Changes to the J-1 Visa program were announced Friday by the State Department. While some changes take effect immediately, Alaska’s seafood processors- which rely heavily on the workforce the program provides- won’t be affected until November. It’s a relief for the processors and fishermen who are preparing for salmon season, but it’s not great news for local cannery workers in Kodiak who are struggling to make ends meet.

As tiny homes take root, where do you park them in Alaska?

There might be a small solution to the capital city’s housing problem but it’s not without its roadblocks. A Juneau company is building its first tiny house on wheels to sell commercially and it intends to make more. The diminutive dwelling is crafted with reclaimed materials and locally-sourced wood.

Obama’s ANWR Wilderness Protection Plea Enrages Alaska Delegation

President Obama today sent letters to Congressional leaders formally requesting wilderness protection for parts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, including the coastal plain. Download Audio

Mott to Lead Alaska Guard Response Team

Brigadier General Jon Mott will lead a team charged with implementing recommendations for restoring confidence in the leadership and structure of the Alaska National Guard. Download Audio
People in aders in a large river fishing with poles

Kenai king salmon fishery shuts down

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the closure Monday afternoon after nearly three weeks of watching the late-run king salmon fail to return to the Kenai River in large enough numbers.
a scientist

A Homer scientist is bringing changes in Arctic permafrost into high-resolution

With Arctic permafrost thaw rapidly outpacing projections, researchers are racing to understand the impacts of an increasingly unstable future.
the Bethel courthouse

Bethel’s courthouse goes to ‘analog methods’ after internet cable cut

Staff at the Nora Guinn Justice Complex have been trying to find workarounds amid rural Alaska internet service slowed by a damaged subsea cable.

Human rights complaint filed over transboundary mining in British Columbia

Southeast Alaska tribes say pollution from Canadian mines is violating their human rights. They’re calling on a D.C.-based human rights commission to investigate.
A bunh of cables behind a box

Data breaches and online security

It's become too common. Reports of a data breach that leaves thousands or millions of consumers vulnerable to identity theft, fraud or other types of scams. But what can you do to keep your personal information safe when online commerce is every day business? Listen Here

Man Charged With 2nd-Degree Murder In Fatal Fire

A 19-year-old Nunam Iqua man is charged in a house fire that killed three people, including a child, in the Southwest Alaska village. Download Audio
a parking lot

Woman lying in Anchorage Walmart parking lot run over and killed

Police say the woman, who was run over by a minivan, died outside the South Anchorage Walmart Wednesday afternoon. No charges have been filed.

Troopers Name Officer In Deadly Shooting

Alaska State Troopers on Monday identified the officer involved in a fatal shooting last week. In a web posting, troopers said Sgt. Paul Anthony "Tony" Wegrzyn shot and killed Justin Lloyd Abrahamson on Friday after Abrahamson advanced on troopers with a raised bat.