
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Southeast Alaska Artfest Showcases Wide Range of Artistry

Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK – Petersburg More than a 120 high school students and adults from around the region took part in this year’s...

Correction: Whaling Season Off to Strong Start

Wednesday night, in a story on spring whaling, we said there had been 18 strikes this spring out of 75 allowed. That quota...

Data Shows Alaska’s Oil Tax Climate Remains Competitive

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Data released from the State Department of Revenue shows Alaska’s oil tax climate is more competitive than it’s...

Whaling Season Off to Strong Start

Jake Neher, KBRW – Barrow Whalers in Northern Alaska are off to a strong start for the 2011 spring season. Crews have been...

Subsistence Board Pushing for Hard Limits on Bycatch

Joaqlin Estus, KNBA - Anchorage The Federal Subsistence Board Tuesday got itself involved with the controversy over the amount of salmon the trawl fishing fleet...

BP Paying $25 Million for 2006 North Slope Spill

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC BP Alaska has agreed to pay $25 million in civil penalties for an oil spill on the North Slope...

Corps of Engineers Planning ‘Remedial Investigation’ at Fort Glenn

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is planning what’s called a “remedial investigation” at Fort Glenn, a former defense...

Latest Salcha Ice Jam Appears to Release

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks The flood threat which prompted an evacuation notice last night for an area of Salcha subsided some this...

Alaska Bar Association Meeting in Fairbanks

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks Lawyers from around the state will be in Fairbanks this week for the Alaska Bar Association’s annual convention,...

‘Classrooms for Climate’ Takes Advantage of Chugach National Forest

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The Chugach National Forest, bordering Anchorage and stretching onto the Kenai Peninsula, is a natural place to study...

Haines Students Build, Demonstrate Windmill

Tara Bicknell, KHNS - Haines With help from the local power utility, Alaska Power and Telephone, students at Haines High School have built and demonstrated...

Wasilla Man Dies in Crash on Glenn Highway

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage A Wasilla man died early Tuesday morning when he rolled his vehicle on the Glenn Highway median near the Birchwood...

Nome Woman Crowned Miss Indian World

Laureli Kinneen, KNOM – Nome Nome’s Marjorie Tahbone was crowned Miss Indian World on Saturday evening at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow...

Tanana River Ice Jam Causing Floods in Salcha Area

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks An ice jam on the Tanana River is causing flooding in an area of Salcha. Fairbanks...

Fairbanks Pledges $1.7 Million to Ice Alaska’s Effort to Purchase Railroad Land

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks The Fairbanks Assembly passed a resolution allowing the borough to give Ice Alaska $1.7 million to help it...

Wind Power Dominates Discussion for Energy Cost Solutions

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks The high cost of energy and what to do about it was on the minds of many of...

Former West High Football Player Drafted by Tampa Bay

Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage Anchorage West High School tight end Daniel Hardy got word over the weekend that he was drafted by the Tampa...

Orphaned Polar Bear Cub Heading to Anchorage

Lori Townsend and Josh Edge, APRN – Anchorage A polar bear cub is expected to arrive in Anchorage Friday evening after Fish and...

Ice Avalanche Kills Climber Near Ruth Gorge

Sue Deyoe, KTNA – Talkeetna An ice avalanche killed a climber near the Ruth Gorge in the Alaska Range early Thursday morning. It’s...