
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Juneau immersion classroom aims to teach new generation of Lingít speakers

Haa Yóo X̱ʼatángi Kúdi opened briefly this spring and again this September, with 14 students enrolled in the program and more on the waitlist.

USDA Under Secretary Promotes Tribal Conservation Districts

Besides visiting the Tongass in Southeast, the head of the U.S. Forest Service and National Resource Conservation Service – Harris Sherman – also spent three days in Western Alaska.

Students Getting Hands-On Lessons in Unalaska

This summer, students are taking a hands-on look at some of the things that make Unalaska unique. Anne Hillman, KUCB - Unalaska Download Audio (MP3)

Empty Westside seat attracts three hopefuls

With Anchorage Assembly member Dan Sullivan having served the maximum allowed three consecutive terms, his West Anchorage seat becomes open. Today we look...

Savoonga health aides earn Distinguished Providers Award

Healthcare in rural Alaska faces unique challenges. With few doctors and unpredictable weather, village clinics are often a community’s only local option for care. That’s the case in the St. Lawrence Island community of Savoonga, but the clinic’s highly certified health aides have earned recognition across the state. Download Audio

Shell Gets Final Approval To Drill Into Oil-Bearing Rock in the Chukchi

The Interior Department gave final approval to Shell Oil to drill into oil-bearing rocks at the company’s “Burger J” drilling site. The company has until late September to complete this summer’s exploratory drilling. Download Audio

State-ordered investigation following BP leak finds no additional problem wells

A state-ordered review of thousands of oil wells on the North Slope is complete, following a multi-day oil and gas at one of BP’s facilities last spring. Listen now

VPSO program welcomes five more to the team

The Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) program graduated its 34th class Friday in Sitka. It was the first class to graduate since a Senate...

Governor Palin looks to create climate-change strategy

Members of Governor Palin’s cabinet meet tomorrow in Fairbanks as they begin to create a climate-change strategy for the state. Alaska trails other western...

The future of Alaska’s megaprojects

The six so called megaprojects that Governor Walker put on hold soon after taking office have already received millions in state and federal funds but would take billions to actually complete. Where would the money come from? If the state stops them completely will the federal money have to be repaid? APRN: Tuesday, 8/4 at 10:00am Download Audio

American Masters: LENNONYC

LENNONYC is the story of one of the most famous and influential artists of the 20th century and how he found redemption not in the public adoration he craved as a youth, but in the quiet and simple pleasures of fatherhood. It is also a New York immigrant’s tale. Lennon came to New York City in 1971 seeking what every other immigrant has sought: freedom — the freedom to be himself and not “Beatle John,” the freedom to live a normal life. TV: Tuesday, 12/4 at 7:00pm

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Permafrost Case

The US Supreme Court will not hear arguments in a Fairbanks Borough case.  The   question is how permafrost lands should be classified under federal...

Protesters call for gun control at event featuring Murkowski, Young

The event was intended to be a victory lap for Murkowski and Young, who were at the Anchorage Petroleum Club speaking about successfully opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil development.

Lawmakers Seek Permanent Rate Increases For Power Cost Equalization Program

Two bills making permanent changes to the Power Cost Equalization program are in the House and Senate Finance Committees follow legislative action today. Dave Donaldson,...

Dead Killer Whale Found to be Pregnant

One of the Killer Whales found dead on the Nushagak River was pregnant. A necropsy performed at the beach in Dillingham yesterday found the whale was carrying a late term fetus.
Skagway's Ore Dock

Skagway considers deal with White Pass for dock infrastructure

The deal would allow Skagway early access to the docks to begin redevelopment, but could leave the city on the hook for cleaning up the contaminated harbor and uplands.
a mural

When murals depict traumatic history, schools must decide what stays on the wall

A mural in George Washington High School in San Francisco, including the life-size image of a dead Native American, has been the subject of a bitter dispute.

How a deer can cause a plane crash

Throughout this year’s hunting season, Sitka’s airport has been contending with an unusual issue: dead deer. Carcasses have been washing up on the runway since November, attracting birds. And this has posed a big problem to business as usual. Download Audi0

Group Hits Rainy Pass; Zirkle Leads Women

The leaders in the 2011 Iditarod have checked in at Rainy Pass. The group included: * Hugh Neff of Tok * Sebastian Schnuelle of Canada * Veteran, Paul...
a cruise ship in Juneau

Juneau Assembly approves tourism policy objectives, including 5-ship limit

Assembly members hope the new limit helps to curb issues like crowding and air pollution in Juneau's downtown area.