
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

The Business of Clean Energy

It’s time to find out what’s new in renewable Energy in Alaska. From wind farms to DC power-lines, from giant dams to mass produced solar cells, from tidal turbines to super-insulated homes, it comes up at the annual “Business of Clean Energy” conference, and we’ll get a preview on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, 4/16 at 10:00am Download Audio

300 Villages: Brevig Mission

This week we’re heading to the community of Brevig Mission, on the Bering Sea Coast north of Nome, Mike Olanna lives in Brevig Mission. Download Audio


It’s not every scientist who decides to study a certain population of animals only to watch it go extinct. But for biologist and author Eval Saulitis, that’s what is apparently happening. A pod of Killer Whales in Prince William Sound it unlikely to be able to sustain itself after the Exxon Valdez oil spill of more than twenty years ago. She’ll tell her story next Tuesday, on Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, April 2 at 10:00am Download Audio

300 Villages: Juneau

This week we’re heading to a city- the capitol city to be more specific: Juneau. Ricardo Worl is CEO for Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority. Download Audio

300 Villages: Unalakleet

This week, we’re heading to Unalakleet, an Iditarod checkpoint on the Bering Sea Coast. Jay Thomas is principal at the school in Unalakleet.


Combining extreme geography with extreme temperature is the specialty of Alaska science writer Bill Streever. He has been on the North Slope when it was too cold to fly, and he has walked on fire. KSKA: Tuesday, March 12 at 10:00am

300 Villages: Haines

This week we’re heading to a northern part of Alaska’s Pandhandle, Haines. The community of over 1800 people is a gateway between the U.S. and Canada. Daniel Lee Henry is a long time community member in Haines.


Last year the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded eleven billion-dollar weather events. That brought the total for the last two years to 25. The average up until then had been less than four. Climate change is already here and it’s not changing back any time soon. Communities are going to have to become more resilient, and for some that means a closer look at local food. One of the top experts on sustainable and climate-resilient “food-sheds” will be the guest on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, 3/5 at 10:00am

300 Villages: Port Alexander

This week we’re heading to the tiny Southeast community of Port Alexander. The village of just 62 people is on the south end of Baranof Island. Robin Griggs teaches school there.


It started modestly enough with Joe Redington and a few others wanting the old mail trail to the gold mines retraced. Now the whole world watches the Iditarod. It’s Iditarod time again on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA - Tuesday, 2/26 at 10:00am

300 Villages: St. Paul

This week, we’re going to the Pribilof Island community of St. Paul, off the west coast of the state in the Bering Sea. Connie Newman is superintendent of the School District for the Pribilof Islands of St. Paul and St. George.

300 Villages: Akutan

This week, we’re heading out the Aleutian chain to the community of Akutan, on a small island just east of Unalaska. April Pelkey is the manager at the Akutan Corporation.

One Hundred Years of Climbing Denali

The first successful climb of Mount McKinley took place in 1913. Walter Harper, Hudson Stuck and Harry Karstens made history. Now, 100 years later, their family members plan to mark the centennial with a climb of their own. KSKA: Tuesday, 2/12 at 10:00am

300 Villages: Chenega

This week, we're visiting the Prince William Sound Community of Chenega. Sandra Angaiak is a tribal administrator assistant in Chenega.

The Changing Arctic and Antarctic

The changing Arctic has become a resource frontier, and a military and economic one. But for much longer it has been a scientific one. We’ll take an international perspective on the Arctic with a leading polar scientist from Japan KSKA: Tuesday, 2/5 at 10:00am

300 Villages: Yakutat

This week we’re going to Yakutat, in northern Southeast Alaska. Les Hartley is a pilot who lives in Yakutat.

300 Villages: Tuntuntuliak

This week, we’re off to Tuntuntuliak, which is located on a Kuskokwim River tributary near the Bering Sea Coast. Patrick Pavila is the tribal administrator for Tuntuntuliak.

300 Villages: Atqasuk

This week, we’re heading to Atqasuk, a small Inupiaq community south of Barrow on the Meade River. Sherlene Kagak is the city clerk in Atqasuk.

Part 1: Is Regulation of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Adequate?

The grounding of the drilling rig “Kulluk” has been pounced on by environmental groups who say we are not yet prepared to deal with the risks of drilling in Arctic Ocean waters. Are they right? We’ll hear what Alaskans have to say about drilling in their own waters on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, 1/8 at 10:00am

Alaska News Nightly: December 24, 2012

Alaskan Airlines Plane Diverts to Juneau; Congress May Let Some Laws Lapse; Congress Passes Major Defense Bill; Powerline at Turnagain Pass Being Replaces; Samuelsen Named Person of the Year; A Rural Christmas; FDA Approves Genetically Modified Salmon; Don Promoted in Army National Guard; Star the Reindeer Indeed the Star of Anchorage Christmas; Hopes and Dreams of Young Alaskans