
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Anchorage teens charged with murder, assault after shootout at party

“Multiple shots were fired by multiple people,” according to a police statement. Responding officers found a total of five people with gunshot wounds. That included a man police identified Thursday as 19-year-old Khirey Pruitt, who died.

STDs on the Rise in YK Delta

There is an alarming increase in the rate of two sexually transmitted diseases in the YK Delta.  Both Chlamydia and Gonorrhea have increased dramatically...

Marine Toxins Finding New Habitats As Oceans Warm

Climate change is transforming the North. As ocean waters warm fish and marine toxins normally seen down south find new habitat. And that’s having a major impact on the people who gather wild food from the ocean, including Alaska Natives, who eat more wild protein than any other ethnic group in Alaska. So we’re beginning our week long look at how Natives are responding to warmer lands and waters, by heading to a Cook Inlet beach at low tide.

Reports say Jim Clark has agreed to plead guilty to fraud

The Anchorage Daily News is reporting that former Governor Frank Murkowski's chief of staff Jim Clark has agreed to plead guilty to a felony...

Court Decision Allows Tribes To Apply For Lands To Be Placed In Trust

Tribes in Alaska are celebrating a decision that allows them to apply for lands to be placed into trust status with the federal government. Download Audio

Commission Seeks Support for Endangered Public Phones

Alaska Communications Systems wants to hang up on clunky pay phone service in the wireless age. The telecommunications company wants to end public land...

Law and Rover: HB 147 Would Give Pets Special Legal Considerations

Most people don’t want to think of their pets as property. But in court, they are. A bill by Rep. Liz Vazquez likely be back in next year’s legislative session aims to give pets special considerations in the law when it comes to divorce, protective orders and animal seizures.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Oct. 26, 2015

Deep-draft Arctic port study in Nome gets shelved; To buyout, or not to buyout? A Legislature debates; Park Service bans controversial methods of hunting bear, wolves; Walker appoints attorney general to Permanent Fund board; Wasilla lawmaker: Keep education spending in check, cut rural schools; Marvin Roberts testifies at Fairbanks 4 hearing; Former Dutch Harbor fisheries observer missing at sea off Peru; Writer Nick Jans captivates audience with tales of Romeo the wolf Download Audio
Two skiers in low light in mid winter next to short spruce trees

Fairbanks-area tourism company proposes helicopter trips to remote Tolovana Hot Springs

Borealis Basecamp wants to set up a hot tub and landing area on a small BLM plot west of existing cabins and tubs long operated by Tolovana Hot Springs Ltd.

Testimony On Oil Tax Overhaul Begins

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Public testimony is being taken today and tomorrow on Governor Parnell’s plan to reduce oil production taxes. ...

Dead herring, poison mussels found on Unalaska shorelines

Hundreds of dead herring washed up on Front Beach in downtown Unalaska on Tuesday.

Lawmakers Skeptical Of State’s Plan To Buy Fairbanks Natural Gas Utility

Governor Bill Walker’s latest move to advance the state backed Interior Energy Project with the purchase of a private natural gas utility is expected to expand availability and lower the price of gas in Fairbanks. Download Audio

“Shall there be a constitutional convention?” A debate on November’s ballot question — Sept. 29

Alaska Public Media is partnering with UAA Seawolf Debate and Commonwealth North to host a debate between advocates on both sides of this November's constitutional convention ballot measure.

Kito: Will There Be Enough Return On Juneau Access To Justify Investment?

The draft supplemental environmental impact statement for a road out of Juneau is now under review by the Federal Highway Administration. That’s the last step in the process before federal highways names a preferred route and issues a Record of Decision. Download Audio
sign in front of building that says: anchorage police department

1 man dead, 1 wounded in downtown Anchorage shooting

Police are seeking to speak with witnesses in the shooting early Sunday, near police headquarters on West 4th Avenue.

Appraisal and review processes slowing Yukon Flats land exchange

It will be another year before a decision is issued on the Yukon Flats land exchange. The controversial deal between the U.S. Fish and...

Endangered Species petition filed for Southeast Alaska wolves

Environmentalists say that wolf habitat is being reduced by clear-cut harvesting.

Investigating historical trauma endured by Native Americans, Alaska Natives

An Ojibwe woman and independent journalist Mary Annette Pember recently visited Alaska for a series of stories on historical trauma and Native American mental health practices. Pember says the troubled lives of Native Americans reflect their troubled history. Download Audio

Biden closes half of NPR-A acreage to oil drilling

The Bureau of Land Management announced that it's ditching a Trump administration plan for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and instead will revert to managing the area according to a 2013 plan crafted by the Obama administration.