
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Y-K Delta Fish Buyer Plans To Market Salmon Outside Alaska

With the statewide salmon fishing season just starting up, many Alaskans are eager to get the highly prized fish for their freezers. But for one Yukon Kuskokwim Delta fish buyer, there is a clear goal: marketing Kuskowkim River Salmon to areas outside Alaska.

Oil Industry weighs in on Gasline decision

The Governor said her team's analysis shows the best interests of the state are better met by TransCanada Alaska's bid than by the other...

Assembly Passes Election Law Rewrite, Weighs Ethics of Election Date Change

The Anchorage Assembly passed a rewritten version of Anchorage's election law last night (1/14 Tues). But some other election issues went went to the Ethics Board for review.
iceberg in a lake

Dunleavy gets after feds to recognize Alaska’s ownership of submerged lands

Gov. Dunleavy takes the federal government to court to assert state ownership of land under waters flowing through federal land.

Fuel Leaks at Underground Tank in Adak

A leaking underground tank spilled 134,400 gallons of diesel fuel in Adak Monday evening. Most of the fuel was absorbed into the ground, but...

Gasline will bring a rush of jobs to Alaska

Alaskans are looking toward the construction of a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope as another boom for workers who help build it....

Mexican Consulate Readies To Help On Deferred Action Plan

The Mexican government, through it's consulate in Anchorage, has issued a statement regarding President Barack Obama's announcement regarding deferred action on illegal immigrants.

‘Deadbeat’ dam due for demolition

An obsolete, "deadbeat" dam on the lower Eklutna River has blocked salmon runs there for decades. Now, an Alaska Native tribe wants to tear the dam down and restore fish to the river. Download Audio

School in Kalskag burns down

A village school 100 miles upriver of Bethel was totaled today by a fire. Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK - Bethel Download Audio (MP3)
an Alaska Airlines jet

Juneau celebrates first arrival of Crystal Worl-designed jet: ‘Just so proud of her’

The Alaska Airlines plane — its name means "Salmon People" in Lingít — features a giant, colorful formline design by Crystal Worl.

No Major State Action Planned In Response To Fairbanks Heating Vote

The state doesn’t have any major action planned following approval of a Fairbanks ballot proposition that bans the North Star Borough from regulating heating devices. The yes vote has shifted the responsibility for reducing winter air pollution from wood and coal burning.

Native corporation plays big role in northern Anchorage development

Power Ridge, north of the Eagle River interchange, built by Eklutna Inc. On the northern boundary of the municipality of Anchorage lies the Native Village...

Honored nationally, a Juneau scientist helps Alaska fisheries managers see the bigger picture

Elizabeth Siddon is the only Alaskan this year to receive the highest honor from the U.S. government for early career scientists. Her work helps Alaska’s fisheries managers see the bigger picture.

Code for Anchorage: election result alerts, court date reminders and more

Code for Anchorage is a group of tech-savvy, civic-minded volunteers who write software to help Alaskans access data and link them to government services. One example is a free, opt-in service that notifies users via text message each time election returns are updated. Another is CourtBot, which -- with help from the Alaska Court System IT department -- sends text reminders for court dates. Listen now
A hand with a blue glove drops a test tube in a ziploc bag held by two green hands.

Amid COVID-19 surge in Y-K Delta, health officials call for lockdowns, school closures

Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation is recommending that 19 villages in the region enter lockdown and that all schools close their doors to in-person classes.

Kodiak Alum Receives Holiday Surprise from Teammates

It’s expensive to travel in and out of Alaska. And for Puni Timu, that price tag has kept her from seeing her parents for more than a year and a half. Puni went to Kodiak High School where she was a star player on the girls’ basketball team. When she graduated, she signed with the University of Jamestown’s basketball team in North Dakota. It’s been a long time since Puni last saw her parents and her teammates recently decided to something extraordinary for her. Download Audio

Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Forecast Released

Mike Mason, KDLG - Dillingham The forecast for the Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon run is out.  And it's fairly plentiful. Download Audio (MP3)

Quintillion continues work on major cable project

Anchorage-based Quintillion Networks has resumed work on a major fiber-optic cable project that will improve broadband internet service in five communities in northern Alaska. Quintillion hopes to link the Alaska cable to a larger system that eventually will run from Japan to Europe.

Guess Resigns from Anchorage School Board

Anchorage School Board member Gretchen Guess announced her resignation on Tuesday from the Anchorage School Board, effective March 1. Her announcement comes as the district faces tough choices, including how to cut $25 million from its budget.

Alaska’s child care crisis | Alaska Insight

On this Alaska Insight, host Lori Townsend is joined by Sen. Löki Tobin and Stephanie Berglund, CEO of Thread Alaska, to discuss the scope and possible solutions to the child care crisis.