
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Subsistence-Only Herring Zones Proposals Fail in Sitka

Two proposals to establish subsistence-only zones for herring in Sitka Sound failed to win recommendation from the Sitka Fish & Game Advisory Committee in a contentious meeting last week.

Alaska News Nightly: December 14, 2011

Norton Sound Health Aides Prepare To Go On Strike, Behavior Risk Survey Moving Work Out-of-State, Alaska Soldier Dies in Virginia Helicopter Accident, Congress Wrestles With Payroll Tax Holiday Funding, Popular Beach May Have High Mercury Levels, Ft. Wainwright Losing 62 Civilian Jobs, National Group Supports ANWR Development, Chenault Speaks On Alaska Gas Line Project, Big Chunk Super Project Near Pebble Deposit, Subsistence-Only Herring Zones Proposals Fail in Sitka

UAF Union Organizing Hits Stumbling Block

The union that’s trying to organize University of Alaska staff says that UAF’s refusal to deliver some 1,200 letters to UAF staff is just the latest of several obstacles that the university has thrown in the path of the organizing effort.

Ship’s Return Pushes Million-Passenger Mark

Norwegian Cruise Line says it will sail another ship in Alaska waters. Company officials this week announced plans to return the Norwegian Sun to northern service two seasons from now. It last sailed here in 2009.

Alaska News Nightly: December 13, 2011

Bethel Judge Again Under Fire For Questionable Behavior, Court Upholds Alaska Tribal Government Sovereignty, APD Investigating Shooting Of Toddler, Ft. Wainwright Aviation Unit Returns to Fairbanks, USPS Delays Post Office Closures, UAF Union Organizing Hits Stumbling Block, Estimated $24 Million Needed To Repair Nome-Council Highway, Outside Forces Present Challenges For Alaska Economy, Ship’s Return Pushes Million-Passenger Mark, BBNA Set to Plan Regional Transit

Alaska News Nightly: December 12, 2011

Congress Works To Keep Government Funded As Latest Continuing Resolution Ends, Occupiers Make Statement at Port of Anchorage, Judge Harpoons Petersburg’s Redistricting Challenge, Randall Ranks First Among World Cup Sprinters, Government Seeks Delay on Seal Status Decision, Nome Hopes to Tap into Nearby Natural Gas, APOC Investigating RGB Bush Planes, After Long Debate, Polluck Quota Lowered Slightly, Karluk Manor Proving Popular

Occupiers Plan To March on West Coast Ports

Anchorage is among the west coast port cities where the Occupy Wall Street movement plans a blockade on Monday.

Randall Wins Gold In Freestyle Sprint

Another gold medal for skier Kikkan Randall in the freestyle sprint. This time she came in ahead of Natalia Matveeva of Russia by 1.7 seconds in Davos, Switzerland World Cup competition.

Helo Pilot, CG Command Await Report On Crash Charges

The hearing into a Coast Guard pilot’s alleged negligence is over. The Article 32 proceeding wrapped up Friday afternoon in Juneau after the last round of witnesses.

Houston Man Arrested For Threatening State Trooper

A Houston man has been taken into custody for threatening a state Trooper, among other charges. Kenneth Champ, 48, who owns Champ Septic Pumping, is also under investigation for dumping raw human sewage into a creek that runs near his property.

Fairbanks Residents Weigh In On Long-Term UAF Plan

Fairbanks-area residents got a chance last week to add their voices to a planning process launched this fall by University of Alaska President Pat Gamble.

Rudder Repaired, Vessel Headed For Unalaska

Technicians have temporarily repaired the rudder of the 656-foot cargo vessel Morning Cedar. The vessel was en route from Vancouver, Canada to Japan with a load of packaged timber when a hydraulic leak left it without steering. It’s been adrift in the western Bering Sea, north of Adak, since Monday.

Alaska News Nightly: December 9, 2011

Parnell Proposes $4.9 Million For Emergency Food Caches, Legislators Study ‘Rebalancing’ Taxes, Not Cutting Them, Fineberg Says Conservation Key To Reducing Foreign Oil Dependence, Court Upholds Contempt Of Court Citation In Stevens Case, Helo Pilot, CG Command Await Report On Crash Charges, Houston Man Arrested For Threatening State Trooper, Fairbanks Residents Weigh In On Long-Term UAF Plan, Rudder Repaired, Vessel Headed For Unalaska, AK: The Most Famous Auction In Alaska, 300 Villages: Adak

300 Villages: Adak

And now, a trip to the most far flung community in Alaska. Adak is near the end of the Aluetian Chain, farther west than Hawaii. It’s an old Navy base, that is in the middle of a revitalization. Layton Lockett is the city manager of Adak.

Alaska Allowing Use Of DocBookMD Application

Alaska was recently the first state in the U.S. to allow texting with a HIPAA-compliant mobile application, statewide. Jim Jordan is the Executive Director of the Alaska State Medical Association, which recently endorsed use of the smart phone app DocBookMD.

Children’s Christmas Program Fills Homer Theatre

The Mariner Theatre at Homer High School was filled nearly to capacity Tuesday afternoon as children from Paul Banks Elementary School filed onto the stage to prepare for their annual Christmas program.

Alaska News Nightly: December 8, 2011

Former Garden Ornament Offers Insight Into Unangan Culture, North Slope Borough Responds To Run-Off Election Investigation, Woman Arrested, Charged In Fatal Hit-And-Run, ‘One Anchorage’ Works To Put Equal Rights Initiative On Ballot, Article 32 Hearing Continues On Chopper Crash, Officials Holding Public Hearings On OCS Leasing Schedule, State Joins Lawsuit Challenging NPS Navigable Waters Authority, Alaska Allowing Use Of DocBookMD Application, Children’s Christmas Program Fills Homer Theatre

Alaska’s Flu Vaccination Rate Among Lowest in Country

Alaska has one of the lowest flu vaccination rates in the country, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control. Alaska’s flu vaccine rate is 37 percent, the second lowest in the country.

Alaska News Nightly: December 7, 2011

Oil Companies Buy Two Leases Near NPR-A, Questions Remain About North Slope Run-Off Election, Study Predicts Energy Savings If In-State Gas Line Built, Report Says Sea Otters Hitting Dive Fisheries Hard, Alaska’s Flue Vaccination Rate Among Lowest in Country, Treadwell Certifies Coastal Management Reinstatement Initiative Measure, ‘Tis The Season

Biomass Plant Almost Ready To Go Online in North Pole

A new biomass power plant is poised to go on line this month in North Pole. K& K recycling is partnering with United Technologies on the project which will use locally recycled paper, cardboard and wood to fire a generator.