
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Hooper Bay Infant Found Dead, Father With Knife In Chest

Saturday morning in Hooper Bay a mother found her infant daughter dead and the father with a knife in his chest. Michael Kuphaldt, 33, was hospitalized. Troopers have not released a cause of death for the infant or an identity.
A woman smiling in front of a book case

Savoonga woman joins White House council on environmental justice

Viola Waghiyi of Savoonga is one of the 26 members chosen for a new White House advisory council on environmental justice. The council will give advice and recommendations on how to address current and historic environmental injustices across the United States.

Iditapod: Bouncing back to Willow

Since we left off, an Iditarod musher has tested positive for COVID-19 and been withdrawn, Dallas Seavey has taken the lead in his return to the race and, instead of leaving problematic sections of trail behind, mushers are heading back over them, on a modified, out-and-back trail. We talk to three-time champion Mitch Seavey, who's a spectator this year, as well as Iditapod co-founder Zachariah Hughes in McGrath, and we get an Iditarod veteran's take on a listener question about dog booties.

Report: Alaskans Aren’t All That Healthy

According to the recently released “Healthy Alaskans 2020,” - an assessment and strategic plan issued every decade, Alaskans aren’t all that healthy. A 15-page overview of Alaskans’ health status as of 2012 shows Alaskans are not doing as well as people in the U.S. overall in every category. Download Audio: 
A red building on top of an eroding river bank

Federal officials get firsthand look at Kuskokwim River erosion during visit to Napakiak

Residents say the erosion has been accelerating, and the village’s water treatment plant is now just 53 feet from the river's edge.

Search Begins For New National Guard Leader

A week after firing the Alaska National Guard’s adjutant general, Gov. Sean Parnell is accepting applications for the leadership post. Parnell requested the resignation of Major Gen. Thomas Katkus after a federal investigation concluded the Guard mishandled cases of sexual assault and found cases of fraud and ethical misconduct.

Summer Tourism Season Gets Underway at Denali

The summer tourism season is getting under way at Denali National Park. Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Download Audio (MP3)

Lawmakers remain far apart, physically and politically, as time runs out for veto override

Dunleavy issued a second round of line-item vetoes, this time on the capital budget. Legislators in Juneau criticized the changes, but didn’t vote on overriding them.

Senator Begich Will Not Support Assault Weapons Ban

Vice President Joe Biden says he will deliver recommendations for new gun control measures to President Barack Obama on Tuesday. Mr. Biden says he will call for both legislation and executive order from the White House.

Corps of Engineers Documents Erosion Problems Throughout Alaska

A new report conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers documents erosion problems in 178 villages in Alaska. Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage Download Media (MP3)

Web Extra: Hunting bearded seals in Barrow, Alaska

Back in early June, Lori Townsend and Annie Feidt traveled to Barrow to host Alaska News Nightly (June 4 and June 5) from the...

House passes tax plan, the bill Young says will open ANWR

Rep. Young says the bill will lower taxes for Alaskans and, once reconciled with the Senate version, open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. But don't run to the bank just yet. Listen now

Naknek Residents Take On Logistical Recycling Endeavor

Recycling in rural Alaska can be an expensive logistical endeavor. And as recyclable material makes its way to local landfills, some electronics can threaten groundwater supplies. As part of our ongoing series on recycling across the state, KDLG’s Dave Bendinger looks at one Naknek resident’s effort to establish an economically viable means to recycle electronics in Bristol Bay.

Local Harvest Feast at the Botanical Gardens

anchorage food mosaic harvest feast You are invited to the inaugural Anchorage Food Mosaic Local Harvest Feast at the beautiful Alaska Botanical Garden. Alaska’s rich abundance of fish and game, diverse people, wild edible greens, plump berries, and anything and everything your near-Arctic garden can grow are worth talking about – and eating – amongst friends new and old. More details.
Dave Bronson speaks with the media

Anchorage Mayor Bronson to start using Assembly-approved budget, after months of ignoring it

In December, the Assembly overrode vetoes from Mayor Dave Bronson to pass the budget. However, Bronson’s administration hasn’t been following that budget, and some programs aren’t getting the funding they expected.

Walker: With State In Red, Tax Credit Payouts “Unsustainable”

Once companies apply a combination of credits meant to promote development on the North Slope, stimulate production in Cook Inlet, and encourage competition from new players in Alaska’s oil fields are applied, the state expects to pay out $100 million under the production tax formula this fiscal year.

AK: A 12-Year-Old Ambassador

Imagine you arrive in a world where it rains all year round, and daylight swings from 17 hours in summertime to a paltry six in winter. And you’re only seven years old. That’s the situation Jasmine Molina found herself when she first got to Sitka, over 5,000 miles from her native city of Manila in the Philippines. Sitka’s Filipino population has grown substantially in the past five years, but there remains no formal system to help new students transition to school. That is, until Jasmine came to town. Listen now:
A sign says University of Alaska Anchorage in the snow

Alaska Legislature to support students’ lawsuit to maintain scholarship fund

A joint council of the House of Representatives and Senate on Monday approved filing a legal brief backing the lawsuit.