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two women talking

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The House Natural Resources Committee welcomes Rep. Mary Peltola. Also, the investigations of Anchorage's former health director and his own comments about the lies he told. Community theater returns to Wrangell with a production of "The Sound of Music."

Recruitment opportunities dry up, teachers back out as districts look to hire for fall

In Alaska, where more than half the teachers come from outside the state, recruitment and retention becomes even more of a challenge during a pandemic.

LISTEN: Alaska polar bear den disturbances part of ‘death by a thousand cuts,’ researcher says

The authors of a recently published study say current requirements for the oil industry to stay at least one mile from known polar bear dens are working. But they’ve also found that the industry’s current den-detection methods miss more than half of the dens.

Halcro Announces Candidacy for Mayor of Anchorage

Anchorage Chamber of Commerce president announces he will leave his position in order to run for mayor of Alaska's largest city.

IWC Meeting To Set Whaling Catch Limits

The International Whaling Commission is meeting next month in Panama City to set whaling catch limits around the world. The commission is supposed to set a quota for Alaska’s subsistence whalers for the next five years. But the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission is concerned their subsistence quota will fail to pass in the heated climate surrounding international whaling. So the AEWC is pushing for legislation that would allow the U.S. to set the subsistence catch limit in Alaska.
Donald Trump, wearing a black suit and dred tie, gestures in a rainy lot next to several black SUVs with microphones visible in the foreground

Trump accuses Murkowski of killing ANWR; ‘I will be there to campaign against her!’ he vows

Donald Trump says Sen. Murkowski is responsible for the Biden administration's suspension of drilling leases in the Arctic Refuge.

Stuart Creek 2 Fire 22 Percent Contained

The Stuart Creek 2 Fire is now 22 percent contained, but 770 firefighters and personnel aren’t ready to let down their guard yet. Download Audio

Study claims Exxon Valdez oil spill didn’t cause Prince William Sound fisheries crash

The study says wild red salmon are affected more by adult hatchery-raised pink salmon that compete with reds or eat them when they're small. And the research also says herring declines are more related to increased fresh water from melting glaciers, rather than oil inundation after the spill.

Wade will remain in jail awaiting fraud trial; remains "person of interest"

This morning a U.S. District Judge in Anchorage moved Joshua Wade's trial for bank fraud from November to January. Wade is also "a person...

First 6 Cyclists Check Into Winterlake Lodge Checkpoint On Iditarod Trail Invitational

The first six cyclists in this year’s Iditarod Trail Invitational have checked in at the Winterlake Lodge along the Iditarod trail. It’s the third checkpoint in an ultra-distance human powered race that started north of Anchorage yesterday.
a mountain peak, through the clouds

First climber born and raised in Petersburg summits Devils Thumb

Kyle Knight reached the summit after a lifetime of watching the mountain, dreaming of the climb.

International Delegates To Decide On Polar Bear Protections

Delegates in Thailand are scheduled to decide Thursday whether to increase protections for polar bears under an international treaty that regulates trade of endangered species. The United States is proposing to upgrade the polar bear listing to the highest level of protections under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speices, or CITES. If it passes, it will ban international commercial trade of polar bear fur and other parts. Bruce Woods is a spokesperson for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska.

New Education Non-Profit to Focus on Teachers

Leaders unveiled a new non-profit called Education Matters, Inc. on Wednesday in Anchorage. The organization was created to implement recommendations from and Education Summit sponsored by Mayor Dan Sullivan in 2011 and 2012.
a oil platform in water

Hilcorp shuts down third pipeline in Cook Inlet

The federal agency charged with regulating pipelines and hazardous materials is looking into another natural gas leak on a Hilcorp platform in Cook Inlet. Listen now

USPS features Bristol Bay’s Tlikakila River in national stamp collection

The United States Postal Service Tuesday announced a new stamp series of 12 Wild and Scenic Rivers from around the country. The Tlikakila River in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve is part of the series.
A white man in a blue zipper jacket sits at a table and speaks

Gov. Dunleavy extends Alaska’s emergency declaration, health officials want him to do more

Congressional leaders feared the governor's declaration could be challenged in court.
people leaving a building under a sign that says "vote here."

Alaskans have until Sunday to register for August special election and primary

Voters will decide who will serve the remainder of the late Congressman Don Young's term in the special general election, and will choose one of several candidates for U.S. House, U.S. Senate and Alaska governor, in the regular primary.

Juneau to become third city in Alaska to shelter high-risk homeless

Juneau will become the third city in Alaska to offer permanent supportive housing to the high-risk, chronically homeless. Those are the people who have been on the streets the longest, and may suffer from addiction or mental health issues. Download Audio:

There are new health rules for fishermen arriving in Bristol Bay, but critics say there are loopholes

The president of the regional health corporation and local tribes say the Dunleavy administration's plan is unrealistic considering the realities of the looming commercial fishing season.

Southeast Alaska’s forests yellow from insect outbreak

Some parts of the forests in Southeast Alaska are a little off color. Hemlock trees are turning yellow and brown from a sawfly outbreak. But scientists say there’s not much to worry about. Listen now