
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A grean lump with yellow dots

Sharp increase in hospitalizations as COVID case tally rises by 20

The number of people currently in the hospital with COVID-19 in Alaska nearly doubled between Monday and Tuesday.

Faith group brings food and religious message to rural Alaska

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has announced a federal fuel cost assistance plan for Emmonak. Senator Mark Begich arranged the announcement during his...

‘Strength in Youth’ Highlights Positive High School Statistics

Athletes at East High in Anchorage highlighted some positive statistics about teens earlier today at the homecoming pep rally. Like the fact that 89 percent of Anchorage high school students don’t smoke. The campaign is called “Strength of our Youth.” The idea is to debunk the myths that “everyone” in high school is making bad choices. Download Audio

I Am The Town Obituary Writer

Heather Lende is a writer. She's been a columnist for publications in Alaska and nationwide, published books about life in rural Haines, Alaska, and her third book, Find the Good, will be published Spring 2015 However, the job Lende is most passionate about is as obituary writer for her local paper, the Chilkat Valley News.
the Alaska State Capitol

Provision of Alaska budget bill would boost 2024 dividend, depending on oil price

If oil prices reach an average of $83 per barrel during Alaska's next fiscal year, 2024 Permanent Fund dividends would increase by $500.
a burned forest

Denali National Park set to reopen Wednesday as downpour helps wildfire crews

Parts of the park near its entrance, including the Riley Creek Campground and Horseshoe Lake Trail, will remain closed as crews fight the Riley Fire.
a group of people talk at a meeting

Juneau’s hospital is bleeding cash. City leaders are considering cutting services to stop it.

“We’re left with very stark choices about how we want to move forward,” said Max Mertz, the hospital board’s finance committee chair.

Urban Yeti Improv Group Enters Second Season

How can you tell when a town has matured into a city? You could use sheer population numbers, but that’s boring. How about entertainment offerings? Anchorage can now boast two comedy Improv groups. Scared Scriptless has been around for several years, and newcomer Urban Yeti Improv is starting its second season. Download Audio
Sled teams on a wide snowy area

Kobuk 440, last major race of mushing season, canceled due to coronavirus

As the leading Iditarod mushers approach the finish line in Nome, a different sled dog race has been crippled by the coronavirus.

Hugh Neff Leads Yukon Quest

Hugh Neff is leading the Yukon Quest. He left the Stepping Stone hospitality checkpoint at 9:47 this morning. Two Rivers musher Allen Moore followed at 11:25. Brent Sass, Jake Berkowitz and Scott Smith round out the top five.

Birding Gear 101

Zac Clark Birding 101 Enjoying the world of birds doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be a fun hobby for the entire family without spending a dollar. However, if you would like to invest in birding tools, here are a few that will help putting those puzzles together. Learn more.

Bill Makes it Harder to get Initiatives on the Ballot

A new version of a Southeast lawmaker’s bill to change the initiative process will make it harder for groups to get measures on...
People on a boat in a sunset

Kotzebue commercial fishers have two buyers in town this season

For the first time in three years, Kotzebue commercial fishermen will have two buyers to sell their fish to. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Jan. 4, 2016

Pilot in Alaska crash took plane without permission; 8 survive Anaktuvuk plane crash, all with serious injuries; Alaska Fred Meyers could start carrying overdose medication; Wildlife rescuers overwhelmed with starving sea birds; Alaska Chamber of Commerce gears up for annual legislative fly-in; Kenai school board weighs building lease for overcrowded school; Belle Mickleson awarded for traditional music program; APU skate skier takes 1st at nationals; Unalaska man makes good on 2015 New Year's resolution; StoryCorps: Recovery from addiction led Haines carver to healing art Download Audio

Alaska game board votes touch a menagerie of management issues

The Alaska Board of Game wrapped up its recent meeting in Anchorage on Friday after voting on some changes to statewide hunting regulations. Listen now

Where does Juneau’s cruise ship head tax money go?

City and Borough of Juneau collects enough in the five-month cruise ship season from passengers to pay each permanent resident over $700. It doesn’t. So where does it all go?

Halibut Commission looking at quotas, bycatch, charters and more

The 2008 commercial halibut season in Alaska is just over a week old. The executive director of the International Pacific Halibut Commission was in...

Legislators moving funds from all over to cover budget issues

As legislators make cuts to the state’s budget, they’re looking to draw money from various state funds to cover costs. But some of these changes are raising concerns. The House Finance Committee is considering a budget bill that would cut state government spending 418 million dollars more than the 100 million in cuts Governor Bill Walker proposed. Download Audio
man in gray suit speaks into microphones

Gov. Dunleavy signs budget, keeping forward funding for education and a $3,200 PFD

The budget is fairly close to what was passed by the Legislature in May, though Dunleavy did veto about $780 million in spending before signing it.
A man with orange waders takes a photo of a man holding a bag of crabs right in between two tubs filled with live crabs

Alaska crabbers get creative with pop-up sales, but industry’s fate uncertain

With the Bering Sea snow crab fishery closed for a second year, crabbers are trying to find ways to make up for lost income.