
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Anchorage Democrats Push Bills Combating Sexual Assault, Retaliation in National Guard

Anchorage Democrats Chris Tuck and Bill Wielechowski introduced a packet of legislative measures revising reporting procedures, revamping the Guard's internal protocols, and creating a mechanism for private companies to give veterans hiring preference. Download Audio
oil and gas platforms in the water

Alaska Legislature heads into session’s homestretch with energy-related bills still on the table

That’s as gas producers warn that Cook Inlet natural gas supplies are dwindling, threatening higher prices.

Seattle Mayor: Port Needs New Permit For Arctic Oil Fleet

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray says the Port of Seattle can't host Royal Dutch Shell's offshore Arctic oil-drilling fleet unless it gets a new land-use permit.

State Concerned Over Increasing Numbers of HIV Cases

The state is concerned about a big increase in the number of new HIV cases in Fairbanks. Last year, Fairbanks reported eight new HIV cases and the outbreak is ongoing. In recent years, two or three new cases were more typical. The state is also seeing a syphilis outbreak in Anchorage. Susan Jones is Alaska’s HIV and STD program manager. She says the state first became concerned about the increase in HIV cases in Fairbanks last summer.

Experts May Have Discovered New Truffle

Melati Kaye, KFSK – Petersburg The US Forest Service is trying to inventory all the plants in the Tongass National Forest, including its mushroom...
Television host talks to guests.

Alaska law enforcement and health professionals take on fentanyl | Alaska Insight

Lori Townsend speaks to U.S. Attorney John Kuhn and Epidemiology Specialist Jessica Filley about the dangers of fentanyl and the work being done to help Alaskans find treatment for addiction.

APRN dominates Alaska Press Club radio news awards

This past Saturday (19 Apr 2008) the Alaska Press Club held its annual banquet and awards ceremony and reporters from across the Alaska Public...

Palin releases new PPT proposal and calls Legislature to Juneau

Governor Sarah Palin says she has chosen Juneau as the site for next month's special session of the Alaska Legislature, where state lawmakers...

Lawmakers Approve $2.9 Billion For Statewide Construction, Maintenance Projects

Juneau and the Southeast region fared well by the 27th Alaska State Legislature. Before the regular session ended, lawmakers appropriated $2.9 billion for construction and maintenance projects statewide, and $450 million in general obligation bonds to be approved by voters next November.

Kenai Assembly hears invocation from Satanic Temple

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly thought it put controversy about invocations to rest. But there seems to be no end in sight to debate about starting meetings with a prayer.

Alaska pilot convicted of lying to investigators after crash

The 2014 crash seriously injured pilot Forest Kirst of Fairbanks and three Canadian tourists. One of the passengers died 35 days later.

Spawn-on-kelp fishery returns for second year

For a second year, the Department of Fish and Game will have a spawn-on-kelp fishery in the Wrangell/Petersburg area. The first Ernest sound fishery...
two people and a check

Alaskans owe less tax than expected for their PFDs because of energy relief payment

The $662 energy relief portion of the payout is not subject to federal taxes, according to a recent IRS announcement.

EPA fines Silver Bay Seafoods over seafloor waste pile

The Sitka seafood processor reportedly allowed its waste pile on the seafloor to balloon to more than double the size allowed by its permit.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019

Alaska's senior senator weighs in on impeachment, without taking a side. Plus: A new Dunleavy administration budget proposal that threatens Alaska's growing oyster-farming industry.

Can We Call It Hoo-Brew? New Brewery Opens in Hoonah

On Saturday, a Hoonah microbrewery is opening its doors to serve the village a variety of craft beers. Kegs used to become scarce around the same time tourists did. Now fresh pints are guaranteed through winter. Download Audio

Cleveland Volcano Lava Dome Growing

A volcano in Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands is sending out lava. The Alaska Volcano observatory reports today that Cleveland Volcano is erupting with the effusion of lava within the summit crater at the uninhabited island about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage.

Date Withheld for Next Batch of Palin Emails

The State of Alaska must still release another batch of emails from Sarah Palin’s time as governor. But don’t expect them anytime soon.

Weyrauch to appeal his case to the US Supreme Court

Former State Representative Bruce Weyhrauch plans to appeal his corruption case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Weyhrauch was originally scheduled to go to trial...

Coast Guard Assists in Two Medevacs From King Cove

A Coast Guard helicopter crew spent Tuesday morning performing back-to-back medevacs between King Cove and the community of Cold Bay.