
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Dee Daniels Vocal Jazz Workshop Gets Underway

The Dee Daniels Vocal Jazz Workshop is underway this week in Sitka. For the last two years, Daniels has interrupted her touring and teaching schedule to live at the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, and coach a half-dozen students of widely-ranging ages and ability.

Lost Villages Project Enables Elders to Visit Homes of Their Ancestors

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska For the past two years, the Lost Villages Project has made it possible for some Alaska natives to see...

Senator Calls On Governor To Expand Medicaid

A prominent Democrat in the state Senate is calling on Governor Bill Walker to expand Medicaid in Alaska without approval from the legislature. Anchorage Senator Bill Wielechowski says now that the Supreme Court has upheld insurance subsidies in Alaska there is no reason not to expand Medicaid. Download Audio

As teacher contract dispute continues, Anchorage School District and teachers union schedule third round of mediation

After two days of contract negotiations, the Anchorage School district and the Anchorage Education Association have agreed to a third round of mediation. Listen now

Sullivan gives Trump-less address to GOP convention

Sen. Dan Sullivan took the stage in Cleveland on the second night of the Republican convention. While Sullivan never said the name "Donald Trump," he did close with his campaign slogan. Listen now

Funny River Fire Hits 67,000 Acres

The Funny River fire on the Kenai Peninsula has topped 67,000 acres. The combination of Memorial Day weekend and extreme fire conditions have firefighters concerned. Download Audio

‘Super Committee’ Proceedings Remain A Mystery

The 12-members of Congress charged with coming up with a way to carve $1.2 trillion from the deficit have been meeting for weeks – but just what they’ve been up to is a mystery. They’re not talking much about what happens in their closed-door sessions.

UAF Union Organizing Hits Stumbling Block

The union that’s trying to organize University of Alaska staff says that UAF’s refusal to deliver some 1,200 letters to UAF staff is just the latest of several obstacles that the university has thrown in the path of the organizing effort.

Anchorage man mauled by a bear near Yakutat

An Anchorage man was mauled by a brown bear near Yakutat over the weekend. Download Audio

Enrollment in neighborhood schools drops statewide, leaders say budget crisis is on the way

The number of students enrolled in neighborhood schools statewide decreased by 13%, and the number of students in homeschool programs nearly doubled.
the Newtok Village Council building

‘We need to get them moved’: Federal agencies visit Newtok and Mertarvik

A Bureau of Indian Affairs team made a rare visit to Newtok by snowmachine Wednesday, after meeting with tribal council members in Mertarvik.

Man Shot, Killed In Downtown Anchorage

Anchorage police say a man died after a shooting outside a downtown nightclub in Anchorage. Shortly before police responded to Platinum Jaxx nightclub early Sunday morning, an officer found another man a few blocks away who was critically injured with penetrating wounds. Police say the man was taken to a hospital in critical condition.

Anchorage fundraiser for Fairbanks Four draws hundreds

Over the weekend in Anchorage, a crowd gathered to listen to music, dance, eat and donate money for the Fairbanks Four. They raised $7,000 for the newly freed men. Download Audio
Woman with blonde hair in a purple dress stands at a podium

Prosecutors vet US Senate candidate’s fishing license case

Law enforcement officials have completed their investigation into whether a U.S. Senate candidate and former State of Alaska official illegally obtained a fishing license for a sportfishing event two years ago. They have turned it over to a special prosecutorial branch of the Department of Law, an official said Thursday.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Legislation in motion to grant tribal entities health care facilities

A U.S. House committee held a hearing Wednesday on legislation that would transfer federal lands in Tanana and Dillingham to tribal entities for health care facilities. HR 4289 would convey 11 acres in Tanana to the Tanana Tribal Council. Council Secretary Dorothy Jordan testified before the House Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs subcommittee in support of transfer of the former Indian Health Service hospital site. Download Audio

School Board Passes Preliminary Budget 6-1

The Anchorage School Board passed their preliminary 2013-2014 budget Monday (2/4) night after hearing testimony from the public.

Representative, lobbyist argue whether ending tax credits is a money grab

Lawmakers say cutting tax credits to oil and gas companies may be a necessary step to close the state government’s budget deficit. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017

Alaska senators fault Trump's tack on racist rally; Nearly half of structures on dock affected by fire, says processing plant fire witness; Feds move forward with review of Hilcorp’s Arctic drilling plans; There’s a new Arctic drilling battle brewing — and it’s not in ANWR; Several inmates charged with assault, rioting at Fairbanks prison; M/V Tustumena back on the water; Diving for answers: Will blue king crab come back in the Pribilofs?; Sun’aq wins grant to study invasive species' effect on subsistence resources; Solar eclipse has stargazers excited all around the world; Juneau chef crowned King of Seafood at Great American Seafood Cook-Off Listen now

A Look At Proposition Two

The pre-election barrage of advertising regarding the vote for or against Proposition 2 -- which would allow the use, purchase and sale of recreational marijuana in Alaska for those aged 21 or older --- has not been heeded by those too young to vote. Teen use of marijuana is not a rarity in our state, and kids know where to purchase it whether Prop 2 passes or not. Download Audio

Are Pacific walruses adapting to warming? Feds say no need for more protections

"If the Fish & Wildlife Service had protected the Pacific walrus from threats of climate change, the Trump administration would have to admit that climate change is real," Shaye Wolf with the Center for Biological Diversity said. Listen now