
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Atkiq Michelle Ilutsik-Snyder

BBNC’s cultural program centers on long-term revitalization of Native languages

Bristol Bay’s Native languages — Yup’ik, Alutiiq and Dena’ina — are thousands of years old, and carry with them distinct worldviews.

State Funds Elder Care Facility in Bethel

Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel A 10-year dream to have a place for aging seniors to live in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta is becoming a reality....

Health Food, Water Offered Through Petersburg School District Grant

Students’ physical well-being is paramount to how well they perform in school. The Petersburg School District is hoping to improve that through a four-year, $600,000 grant which started this school year. An update on the grant was given to the district’s school board at their last meeting. Download Audio

ConocoPhillips: Current Taxes Cut Long-Term Plans

Discussing the state's current oil tax regime -- called Aces -- Conoco-Philips Vice President Scott Jepson told the Senate Resources Committee, "Basically, Aces puts a haircut on your long-term profitability."

Budget deal is done, but oil tax reform remains elusive

The budget passed by the Legislature this week doesn't include about $775 million owed to oil companies in refundable tax credits this year. Democrats say, if companies want those credits, there has to be oil tax reform. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: February 3, 2012

Missing Anchorage Woman Case Being Treated As Possible Abduction, Subsidized Air Travel In Alaska Included in FAA Reauthorization Bill, Veteran Employment Measure Passes House, Senate, Iditarod Trail Altered To Avoid ‘Happy River Steps’, Brevig Mission Man Arrested After Shooting At House, Final Yukon Quest Preparations Taking Place, Weather Advisory In Place Over Steese Highway, Part of Yukon Quest Trail, Officials Urge Anchorage Residents to Stay Off Roads, Newly Discovered Ledgers Offer Insight Into Aleutian History, AK: The Science of Ice, 300 Villages: Anderson

A functioning government or border security? Murkowski wants both

"I've got a lot of people who are saying 'Lisa, you've got to stand with the president. ...'" Murkowski said on the Senate floor. "And then I have an equal number that are saying, 'Please, please, do something to help reopen this government.'"

49 Voices: Nicolai Alokli of Kodiak

This week, we're hearing from Nicolai Alokli in Kodiak. Alokli was a fisherman in his youth and has lived in Old Harbor and the Alitak cannery area. Listen now

National labs to field test microgrid tech in Cordova

Several national labs and universities will partner with the Alaska community of Cordova to field test new technologies on the city’s power grid. Listen now

Top athletes compete in Haines for Freeride World Tour

Big mountain skiers and snowboarders from around the world braved deep snow and steep slopes in the Haines mountains for the Freeride World Tour. Friday’s event took place after a week of waiting for unsafe snow conditions to settle. Listen now

Southeast Churches, Groups Gear Up for Holiday Season

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau Southeast churches and groups are collecting and preparing food for their community Thanksgiving dinners. At the same time, they’re...
Crabs coming out of a pot.

Commercial Tanner crab fishery opens in Eastern Aleutians for the first time in 5 years

While that’s great news for the fishery, only one section of the district will open — Makushin/Skan Bay, on the western side of Unalaska Island.
The exterior of a marble building with big columns on a clear, sunny day.

Justices hearing challenge seem to favor most of Indian Child Welfare Act

The Supreme Court appeared likely Wednesday to leave in place most of a federal law that gives preference to Native American families in foster care and adoption of Native children.

Galena Businesses, Schools Evaluate Losses

While residents of Galena continue working to clean up and assess the damage to their homes from last month’s flood, the community’s businesses and schools are also evaluating what they’ve lost. Download Audio

Susitna-Watana Dam Planning Back On Track

Planning for the proposed Susitna Watana Hydro dam is back on track. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission had delayed the project, after finding some of the studies inadequate. But the agency reversed that decision, after receiving appeals from Governor Sean Parnell, Alaska’s Congressional delegation, and state lawmakers.

City Seeks Voluntary Spice / K2 ban

There's no legal ban yet, but this week the Anchorage Assembly passed a resolution asking businesses to pull a hallucinatory drug being sold throughout...

Diocese: Fairbanks Priest Held on Federal Child-Pornography Charges was Screened

A Fairbanks Catholic priest accused of trying to produce child pornography underwent a two-stage screening process as part of his hiring and ordination. Download Audio

GVEA asks state, US regulators to OK halt to tariff for ‘hybrid’ renewable-energy proposal

A Colorado-based company’s proposal to generate and sell 100 megawatts to Golden Valley Electric Association has devolved into a dispute involving state and federal energy agencies.
A mpuntain top covered in clouds

Cluster of Aleutian peaks could be single supervolcano, scientists say

If the researchers' suspicions are correct, the newfound volcanic caldera belongs to the same category of volcanoes as the Yellowstone Caldera and others that have had super-eruptions with profound global consequences.

Breaking Up With

Enrolling in is not easy. But Anchorage hair stylist Lara Imler is one of the few Alaskans who managed to get through the process late last month. Now though, after she discovered problems with her application, Imler wants to cancel her enrollment. And she's finding that may not be so simple either. Download Audio