
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.


Renewed fight, but old arguments for lawmakers wanting to open ANWR for drilling

Over the past 25 years, Alaska’s Legislature has passed nearly a dozen resolutions asking Congress to allow drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But this year, something is different. There’s been more push back and public testimony opposed to passing an Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) resolution. Listen now

Don’t let Christmas tree ‘needle-drop’ happen to you

Real trees remain a popular Christmas tradition despite a tendency to dry out and drop their needles. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension...

Juneau’s animal shelter is looking for a new home

The need for a new shelter became more urgent after the ASPCA inspected the facility in 2021 and found that it didn’t meet national standards.
ballot and pen

Palin, Begich, Gross and Peltola are top 4 in early results from Alaska’s special US House election

The Division of Elections counted the first batch of ballots on Saturday night – 48,000 of the more than 125,000 ballots cast. Palin, a Republican, has about 33% of the votes counted so far. She’s followed by Nick Begich, also a Republican, who took 17% and independent Al Gross with 15%.

RUNNING: State House, Anchorage, District 21

Barbara Norton (D), Robert Clift (L) and Lance Pruitt (R) are running for State House in district 21 in the...
a truck says "keep st paul rat free!"

Wildlife officials race to trap rogue rat on St. Paul Island

For more than two decades, the Pribilof Islands have had a rat prevention program to keep the island rat-free. During that time, six rats have been killed near the docks, but now one is at large. Listen now

6 months after 7.1

It's been 6 months since a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rattled southcentral Alaskans. Repair and recovery efforts are ongoing. What are the lessons learned?

AFN Asks Walker to Change Position on Adoptions

The Alaska Federation of Natives, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, and a dozen regional Native non-profits are asking Governor Bill Walker to change his position in a case involving the adoption of Alaska Native children. They say the state’s position in the case Tununuk v. the state of Alaska erects barriers between tribal children and tribal homes.
Seaweed swaying in the water as seen from below

Sand Point will be home to innovative seaweed farming model

The $99,800 grant will test a new farm design that replicates a natural kelp forest environment in a 10-acre area 12 miles from the community of Sand Point.
A musher sleds below a spruce tree covered mountain. Dogs are in orange vests

ExxonMobil drops sponsorship of Iditarod

The move came after ExxonMobil, which has been a race sponsor since 1978, received pressure from one its shareholders and the race’s biggest critic, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Fairbanks, Anchorage Bear Incidents Injure Two

Some bear trouble near Alaska's two largest cities. At Angel Rocks, off Chena Hot Springs Road above Fairbanks on Saturday, a black bear hauled a camper right out of his tent.

House passes resolution to focus on budget

Lawmakers have talked about focusing on the state budget since their session began three weeks ago. But on Monday, they took action to make it official. The House passed a resolution that limits committees to working on bills that raise or spend state revenue. This new rule will remain in place until the House passes a budget. Download Audio

Final Pebble hearing draws mix of views

A sizable minority of speakers - maybe one in three - argued in favor of the mine, saying the state needs the jobs. Others, like Emily Taylor, said the mine threatens the salmon runs of Bristol Bay.
people talk to staffers in windows at the PFD office

Here’s when Alaskans can expect to get this year’s PFD

Permanent fund dividends will likely hit Alaskans' bank accounts in the middle of October, says the state Department of Revenue.

Community in Unity: Being Transgender

What does it mean to be transgender? How does a person know if their biological sex fits who they really are?Learn about gender identity on Community in Unity!Download Audio.

Lance Mackey Leading The Way

Lance Mackey is in the lead, leaving Ophir at 5:45 a.m. Wednesday, nearly two and a half hours ahead of the next musher, Sonny Lindner. Jeff King is currently in third place, departing from Ophir at 8:50 a.m. Wednesday.

Denali Backcountry Management Plan to be Reexamined

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Growing interest in guided climbs of Denali has prompted a review by the National Park Service.  The agency is...

Juneau Whale Watching Captain Arrested for Allegedly Driving Boat Intoxicated

A text message from a whale watching boat in Juneau has led to the arrest of the captain on board. Lawrence Dupler, 67, was arrested today for allegedly driving a 52-foot tour boat while intoxicated. Listen now:

As the U.S. moves to open ANWR to drilling, Canada says ‘not so fast’

As part of their strategy going forward, opponents to drilling in ANWR are looking beyond Washington, D.C. and across U.S.-Canada border for support. Listen now
Students in Halloween costumes hold signs during a walkout protest of recent school board decisions.

Alaska attorney general says teachers need parental consent to discuss gender identity

Attorney General Treg Taylor has reinterpreted a statute requiring public schools to notify parents in advance of any content involving “human reproduction” or “sexual matters.”