
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Going Undercover With APD Vice’s Kathy Lacey

Busting drug dealers, sex traffickers and prostitutes is a tough job. Recently retired Sergeant Kathy Lacey did that dangerous work for 20 years as the head of Anchorage Police Department's undercover vice unit. Lacey says when she first started in law enforcement, prostitution and drug crimes were more visible, out on the street. Now though, she says trafficking is more covert. Download Audio:

University of Alaska braces for cuts, warns of economic impacts

As the legislature's conference committee hashes out the state's operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year, the University of Alaska is standing by, waiting to see just how large the fiscal dent will be. Download Audio

One Option To Avoid High Housing Costs In Juneau: Live On a Boat

Juneau has some of the highest housing prices in Alaska. According to the state Department of Labor, the average single family home costs $349,000 dollars in the capital city. A typical rental unit is more than a thousand dollars a month. Download Audio

ASD asks legislature not to cut funds

The Anchorage School Board is asking the state legislature to restore one-time school grant funds to the state’s budget. The house passed a budget that removed $32 million late last week.
Photographs of a white woman and a multiracial woman side by side.

Walker and Gara band together in Alaska governor’s race with a joint ad against Dunleavy

The ad, featuring Walker’s running mate Heidi Drygas and Gara’s running mate Jessica Cook, says both campaigns would rather the other side win, than Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

‘What’s the plan?’ Senators say ACA replacement in the works

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly promised to “repeal Obamacare and replace it with something great.” Early this morning the U.S. Senate took an initial step toward repeal. As for the replacement, Alaska’s two senators describe something still in the formative stages. Listen now

Palmer Farm School Provides Local Food Education For Youngsters

A dozen or so five- and six-year-olds are playing a game in the shade of a gnarled apple tree. The game involves a frog and a detective, somehow. The kids all are enjoying themselves, shrieking and laughing. It's all part of a summer program at Spring Creek Farm. Download Audio

Democrats fail to stop refuge drilling plan

The U.S. Senate Energy Committee voted to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "We're not going to stop fighting," a dismayed Gwich'in leader said. "We can't. This is our way of life. This is everything that we know." Listen now

Dunleavy says money set aside for Alaska schools is subject to veto. Lawmakers disagree.

A new fight is erupting in Juneau about spending on Alaska's public schools. It centers on whether Gov. Mike Dunleavy has the power to veto money state lawmakers set aside for schools last year, for the upcoming school year – a practice called "forward funding."

Alaska military exercise seeks more ocean; public comment ends soon

Northern Edge is a biennial, large-scale training exercise that involves the Air Force, Army and Marine Corps, as well as the Navy, which says it needs more room.

Wounded Warriors Go Fishing With Bethel Guide Company

Papa Bear Adventures in the Kuskokwim hub community of Bethel recently took six veterans on a rafting trip. The guiding company brought them down the Kanektok River near Quinhagak, a village about seventy miles southwest of Bethel, as part of the Wounded Warriors program. The group found relief from injuries on one of the premier fishing rivers in the world. Download Audio

‘Hiring’ Heroes Act’ Focuses on Reducing Veteran Unemployment Rate

Photo and Story by Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC The unemployment rate for young military veterans has climbed as high as 27...

In Anchorage education lottery, lots of winners

It's school lottery time in Anchorage. That means parents who may want to opt out of their neighborhood school are considering optional and charter school programs across the district. But at least one neighborhood school principal says charter schools and neighborhood schools aren't necessarily so different. Download Audio

The rich mushing legacy of Huslia

Huslia is hosting the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race for the second time ever. The Interior village is rich in mushing history as it is the home of the late sprint champion musher George Attla Junior and other top names in Alaska dog racing. And as elite teams pass through the home of mushing royalty, local dog drivers are looking ahead to the next generation of mushers. Listen now

New UA head sees opportunity despite bleak fiscal landscape

It's been less than two weeks since Jim Johnsen took the helm as president of the University of Alaska. And the transition in leadership is coming at a time when the university system is attempting to streamline and rethink the way it operates. Download Audio

Ads use Ukraine scandal, urging Murkowski to reject a Trump judicial pick

A liberal advocacy group is leveraging the Ukraine scandal in ads that target Alaskans. Their aim is to drum up constituent messages to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, urging her to vote no on a Trump judicial nominee.

Iditarod Leaders Pull Into Manley Hot Springs

Girdwood's Nicolas Petit pulled into Manley Hot Springs just after 3 a.m. Tuesday, with Martin Buser, Hugh Neff, DeeDee Jonrowe and Aaron Burmeister less than two hours behind. The competition in this year’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race can only be described as stiff. There are six returning champions and a handful of other mushers vying for a top-10 finish. But, mushers are all feeling a little new to the race as they travel down an unfamiliar, rerouted trail. Download Audio

Fisheries Board Raises Late-Run Chinook Escapement Goal

Southcentral Alaska sport fishermen are applauding a move by the state’s Board of Fisheries aimed at ensuring escapement goals for Kenai River late – run Chinook salmon. The Board voted unanimously to approve substitute language for a proposal that would have triggered emergency management measures based on the run’s failure to achieve a specific escapement goal of 15,000 fish. Download Audio
A woman in a mask ties some curtains below a window with blue christmas lights

‘Haines makes it happen’: At least one woman is back in her flooded home after outpouring of support

Edgar bought her home three years ago and typically has a few renters, but when the flooding hit, she was the only one living in the house — now with one chicken, the sole survivor of the storm, who she brought to live upstairs for safekeeping.