
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Governor Palin seeking analyst review of proposed profit-based oil tax

The Palin administration is searching for someone outside of state government to take a fresh look at the results of the state's new profit-based...

Palin selects replacement for Alaska House representative Vic Kohring

Governor Palin announced today she's found someone to fill Vic Kohring's seat in the State House. She's appointing Wes Keller, who's currently chief of...

Ketchikan – Pennock – Gravina bridge backed by Borough

The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly last night voted to back a less expensive Gravina bridge alternative. The selected option is expected to cost $290...

Sitka’s performing arts space scaling back in wake of funding veto

Sitka's new High School auditorium and Performing Arts Center is nearing completion. But it won't get as close to being done as backers had...

Stevens and Torgerson fighting proposed cuts to Essential Air Service program

Senator Ted Stevens and Alaska Deputy Transportation Commissioner John Torgerson say Congress and the Bush Administration should not make any major changes to the...

Humpback whale in Southeast apparently killed by blunt impact

Fishery officials say a humpback whale found dead on the west side of Admiralty Island last week might have been killed in a collision...

Fairbanks 'worms' are actually gnat larvae

Entomologists have identified the strange worms spotted in rope-like groupings in the Fairbanks area last week. University of Alaska Museum of the North...

World Eskimo-Indian Olympics (high) kicking off in Anchorage

The World Eskimo-Indian Olympics (WEIO) get underway tomorrow. The event is being held in Anchorage for the first time in the 46-year history of...

Japanese still seeking more than 2,000 WWII dead on Attu

Accompanied by American military and government personnel, a Japanese delegation visited the Aleutian island of Attu late last week. The group was examining graves...

Kensington Mine to bring in millions amidst concerns about environmental impacts

The nearly-completed Kensington Gold Mine outside Juneau has pumped more than $150 million into the Alaska economy, and could pump a lot more when...

Senator Stevens raises $1 million for re-election; may yet be vulnerable

Senator Ted Stevens' re-election campaign brought in less during the second quarter of this year than it did in the first. But the campaign...

Cruise ship initiative 'corrected,' then signed into law

A bill correcting what was called a small problem in last year's cruise ship initiative has now become law. Sponsored by Juneau Senator Kim...

Sitka seeking state help with Sheldon Jackson College closure

Sitka's municipal government has asked the state to help lessen the impact of Sheldon Jackson College's closure. But so far, the only assistance is...

'Into the Wild' puts McCandless mythology on the big screen

A movie about the adventures and demise of Christopher McCandless is due out this fall. McCandless hitchhiked to Alaska in 1992 and later that...

Handcycling race pits athletes against Alaska and personal determination

The world's longest wheelchair and handcycle race is underway with athletes competing from around the world. The Sadler's Ultra Challenge stretches 267 miles from...

Web Extra: Hunting bearded seals in Barrow, Alaska

Back in early June, Lori Townsend and Annie Feidt traveled to Barrow to host Alaska News Nightly (June 4 and June 5) from the...

Dental associations drop fight against Alaska bush dental therapist program

The American Dental Association is giving up its fight against Alaska's unique dental therapist program. The president of the ADA was in Anchorage today...

Deformed humpback whale washes up in southeast

A bizarrely deformed humpback whale washed up dead on the west side of Admiralty Island, about 30 miles north of Angoon, Alaska. Researchers with...

Weird worms appear in Fairbanks, puzzling entomologists

Pest specialists are trying to identify an unusual worm that's shown up in Fairbanks. Sarah McConnel was one of several people who called the...

Affordable housing stubbornly unavailable in Sitka

A number of Southeast Alaska communities face housing costs that are so high some residents can't afford a place to live. Sitka officials have...