
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Profile: Tending navigation bouys in Alaska's Inside Passage

Navigation on the coastal waters of Southeast Alaska is challenging even on a good day. Over 50 floating aids, and hundreds more fixed markers...

Field Trip: Togiak National Wildlife Refuge

The Togiak National Wildlife Refuge is well known for it's marine mammals, seabirds, and pristine nature. Each summer refuge managers take a group of...

Web Extra: State of the City address by Mark Begich

On August 20, 2007 Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich made a State of the City address to the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. KSKA's reporter Len...

APU launches Engaging Muslims project

Muslims are the second largest religious group in the United States. Internationally, Islam's believers have had a profound impact on this country. ...

ExxonMobil asks Supreme Court to review $2.5 billion penalty

Earlier this week, ExxonMobil filed a petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the $2.5 billion punitive damage judgment in the 1989 Exxon...

Will Alaska build the Gravina Island bridge? Not likely.

The commissioner of transportation says he would like to build a bridge to gravina island, but that finding the funds for such a project...

State heading out to inspect bridge near Denali Park

The State will conduct a special inspection of a bridge that's similar in design and age to the one that collapsed in Minneapolis. The...

Governor’s ethics considered as husband goes back to work at BP

News that Governor Sarah Palin's husband Todd is returning to his pre-election job on the North Slope has gotten some public attention in the...

BLM's draft for 300,000 acres on North Slope draws environmental concerns

The Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) draft plan for the 300,000-acre northeastern portion of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA) is causing concern among...

Interview: Bruce Babbitt opposing oil and gas in Bristol Bay and leasing at Teshekpuk

Former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt was in Alaska this week to drum up opposition to the federal proposal for oil and gas drilling in...

Family of flightseeing passengers come to Sitka to mourn with community

It's been two weeks since a New Jersey family died when their plane crashed in Sitka. Earlier this week Sitkans joined with two relatives...

Judy Richards remembers death of son and his unique life in Kennicott

A mother who lost her son in a Kennicott tragedy more than five years ago visited the town recently. Her presence stirred up both...

News postings briefly delayed this evening

Just a brief note for our web visitors -- the posting of Alaska News Nightly and the stories will be a little delayed this...

Quick survey for APRN web visitors

We have a question for those of you using APRN's online news on a regular basis. As you've probably noticed, we post two primary news...

Owners of Selendang Ayu plead guilty and pay $10 million

Photo by U.S. Coast Guard A final federal settlement was reached today with the owners of the Selendang Ayu, the freighter that ran aground off...

Bruce Babbitt boosting opposition to Bush oil leasing in Bristol Bay

The man who helped buy back federal oil gas leases 11 years ago is in Bristol Bay rallying opposition to the Bush administration's plan...

Infamous Alaska jet finally sold

Texas businessman-turned Valdez resident Larry Reynolds has signed an agreement to purchase the state's infamous Westwind II aircraft. The jet was bought by former...

Teacher's association irritated with state's criteria for incentive program

The President of National Education Association Alaska is blasting the state's new performance incentive program, calling it 'fundamentally unfair' to schools in urban areas....

An Alaskan paratrooper in Iraq, Part 2

Alaska's paratrooper soldiers, based at Fort Richardson, were suppose to return from Iraq next month. But like all army brigades, their deployment was extended...

Fairbanks hosting cloudy science meetings

A group of international scientists are gathered in Fairbanks to share research on an unusual type of high altitude cloud. Noctilucent clouds are made...