
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Scientists Use Satellites to Track Polar Bears

With sea ice in the Arctic melting, polar bears are in peril. Researchers have monitored the threatened species for decades, but tracking bears in remote and harsh climates can be costly and dangerous. Which is why federal scientists have started using a new tool to study the animal: satellites.

New agreement will mean fewer Salmon for Southeast commercial fisherman

A new pacific salmon treaty agreement will mean fewer king salmon for commercial fishing fleets in southeast Alaska and British columbia. The bilateral agreement,...

Congress expanding low income children’s health insurance program

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to reauthorize and significantly expand a federal program that provides medial insurance to lower-income children. The House passed...
a ballot box in Juneau

Watch our election night coverage

Alaska Public Media was live from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. on election night.
Police vehicles and others around an intersection where a man drove his truck into a 150-foot concrete girder

Man charged with operating under the influence after collision with 150-foot girder

Anchorage police reported that Dillon Hickman drove his pickup into the girder at the intersection of Arctic Boulevard and Dimond Boulevard.

Fish & Game Cancelling Staffed Program At Bristol Bay Walrus Islands Sanctuary

Back in 1960, seven uninhabited Bristol Bay islands south of Togiak were incorporated into the Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary. As the name suggests, the sanctuary protects one of the largest terrestrial haulout sites of Pacific walruses in North America. The Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife Division decided last week that it will terminate its Round Island Program, which staffs the sanctuary to monitor the marine mammals and host visitors. Download Audio

Jury hears taped phone calls between Bill Allen and Ted Stevens

Jurors in the trial of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens listened this morning to three audio recordings of conversations between Stevens and former Veco CEO...

Recovered Seal Returned To Unalaska Waters

Back in June, a tiny harbor seal, barely a week old, was found near a seafood processing plant in Unalaska. The pup was scrawny, and she had clearly been attacked by another animal.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016

Rep. Seaton joins bipartisan House caucus; Doyon continues search for Nenana Basin oil and gas; Latest effort to revise Kenai invocation policy stalls; Wood energy grants again offered in Alaska; Alaska Native corporation heads dam removal project; Small explosion delays Healy 2 startup; Northern moose migration corresponds with early snow-melt and increased vegetation; Service dog nonprofit helps veterans; Ask a Climatologist: Dreaming of a white Thanksgiving? Dream on, Anchorage. Listen Now

Bethel Community Health Service Building Shut Down Due To Power Surge

The region’s largest employer, the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation has been hit hard by the cold. It’s Community Health Services building was shut down Tuesday because of a power surge over the weekend.

Alaska News Nightly: October 20, 2014

Parnell Meets With Guard Members; Gubernatorial Candidates Spar Over Gasline; Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off In Anchorage; Malaspina Crew Helps In Canada Rescue Effort; Small Southeast Community Becomes New Alaska City; Deadline Approaches For Fairbanks Air Plan; Many Voters Irked At Deluge Of Negative Campaign Ads; Attack Ads…With A Twist Download Audio
a family photo

‘You know who you are’: One Alaska adoptee on why ICWA matters

Juneau resident Jennifer Quinto's life has been shaped by the Indian Child Welfare Act, set to be challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court next week.

Frank Kearns: American Correspondent

The documentary chronicles the life and work of the former West Virginia University journalism professor and CBS News Correspondent who was based in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe in the 50s and 60s. TV: Friday, March 22, 9:30 p.m.

Can courts force action on climate change? Sixteen young Alaskans hope so.

An Anchorage judge heard arguments today in a lawsuit brought by 16 young Alaskans who are suing the state over climate change. Listen now
A woman's hands holding green

With seaweed and seashells, farmer gardens in inhospitable Sitka soil

Andrea Fraga, a Sitka gardener, uses local fertilizers and additives to produce a bounty of vegetables like kale, potatoes, and gooseberries.

Proposed land trade may turn the tide for Sitka’s maritime industry

The deal has the potential to break a troubling economic logjam in the community.

Bethel’s AC Quickstop liquor store shuts down

In a game-changing and emotional decision, the Alaska Alcoholic Beverage Control Board decided against renewing AC Quickstop’s liquor license on Tuesday night, which effectively shut down Bethel’s only operating liquor store. Listen now

U.N. committee moves toward banning heavy fuel oil in the Arctic

"It is a big deal that the IMO has been looking at a ban," Kevin Harun of Pacific Environment, a conservation organization, said. "It’s a very cautious body and it normally does not act without strong support from countries." Listen now

Staffers Make Last Minute Preparations For Legislative Session

Even though the legislative session doesn’t start until tomorrow, lots of behind the scenes work is underway at the state capitol. APRN’s Annie Feidt wandered the halls today looking for activity and has this story.

Ted Stevens Files Final Senate Disclosure Forms

Former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens spent at least 1 million dollars and as much as five million dollars defending himself against federal charges that...