
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Bethel youth facility captures national award

The Bethel Youth Facility, which takes care of youth in criminal trouble in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta is being recognized nationally for their detention unit. Learn...

Meth Forum seeks to inform and involve the public

Tomorrow the various groups fighting against methamphetamine use in southcentral Alaska will seek to enlist broader citizen support with a special afternoon forum called...

Mayor Begich unveils his 2008 and 2009 budgets

This morning Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich unveiled an overview of his proposed municipal budgets for 2008 and 2009. Both years show an increased...

Palin reveals proposed oil tax revisions

The Palin administration today gave the public its first look at the legislation that lawmakers will begin debating in the special session coming up...

Mining reforms debated in Congress

Don Young and other critics argued today that the latest round of proposals to reform the 135-year-old federal law covering mining on public lands...

North Slope tunnel yielding 70-million year old dinosaur secrets

University of Alaska Museum of the North researchers are employing a new strategy in their search for dinosaur bones on the North Slope. Museum...

Juneau school taking a zero tolerance stance on bullying

School officials and police are attempting to crack down on bullying in the Juneau School District. Juneau Police say the schools were plagued by...

Annual Top 49 Alaska business list announced

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) placed first on the annual Top 49ers list. Photo by Kristin Spack, KSKA - Anchorage. Yesterday Alaska Business Monthly released...

Fairbanks 'wrapping' city buses in ads to deflect operating costs

The Fairbanks North Star Borough is getting serious about marketing its buses to advertisers. The Borough transit system recently unveiled a red-and-yellow bus entirely...

Voters statewide choosing among Alaska's candidates and issues

Voters across the state are going to the polls today to participate in municipal elections. Ketchikan voters are deciding whether to limit the number of...

Energy policy and technology summit focusing on Arctic issues

The International Polar Year that runs until 2009 is focusing international attention on Arctic issues. This month the Arctic Energy Summit's Technology conference will...

State business magazine releases list of top Alaska companies

On Monday the Alaska Business Monthly magazine released its list of the top 49 Alaska-based companies in the state. This year's list showed a...

Mat-Su District 1 election a choice between candidates and land uses

Sutton's Lynne Woods faces a challenge by Butte resident Bruce Walden for the Mat-Su Borough's District 1 Assembly seat. The race highlights the division...

Katmai float plane crash claims four lives

Four people died Sunday afternoon in a float plane crash in Katmai National Park, about 50 miles northeast of King Salmon, Alaska. The plane...

APOC probing VECO elections influence

The Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) held an emergency meeting this afternoon to discuss their investigation of VECO's potential illegal financial ties to past...

Legislators Gara and French asking ethical questions of major oil companies

Two Alaska lawmakers are calling on major oil companies to disclose whether they coordinated with VECO while the company's executives were bribing state legislators...

Juneau water fluoridation on the ballot

If money talks, then the most controversial item on Juneau's October ballot is Proposition 2. It aims to put fluoride back in Juneau's drinking...

Mat-Su District 1 election a choice between candidates and land uses

Sutton's Lynne Woods faces a challenge by Butte resident Bruce Walden for the Mat-Su Borough's District 1 Assembly seat. The race highlights the division...

Fairbanks setting fires today to control fires tomorrow

The State Division of Forestry is burning trees and brush in areas bulldozed to create wildfire breaks. Fire Management Officer Robert Schmoll says the...

Anchorage's Glenn Highway expanding to six lanes along Merrill Field

Late last week in Anchorage a new project to expand the Glenn Highway from four to six lanes took a visible and noisy step...