
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Juneau Assembly bans homeless from sleeping downtown

A divided Juneau Assembly passed a controversial anti-camping ordinance Feb. 13 to ban homeless people from sleeping near downtown businesses. Listen now

Bill Walker Holds Narrow Lead Over Sean Parnell In Gubernatorial Race

With just 289 precincts reporting in so far, gubernatorial challenger Bill Walker holds a narrow lead over Governor Sean Parnell.

Building strength through openness while navigating foster care in Alaska

Rachel Bedsworth looked after herself for years, developing a fierce independence that led her to bounce from placement to placement during her 12 years in foster care. This is the story of how she learned that sometimes it's okay to ask for support. 

Prince Rupert ferry dock under repair

Prince Rupert officials say they’re firmly committed to repairing the British Columbia city’s ferry terminal. Alaska officials had to cancel one sailing after the...

Judge Sharon Gleason Confirmed by Senate

Alaska will soon get its first female judge appointed to the federal bench in state history. Judge Sharon Gleason was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday on a vote of 87 to 8.

Employees Worry About State-Imposed Office Space Standards

The State of Alaska is implementing new work areas in Juneau and Anchorage office buildings. Officials claim new universal space standards will save money and create a better work environment, but some state employees think otherwise. Download Audio

Nome Completes Annual Bird Count

This weekend wraps up the 114th Christmas Bird Count. Around 50 communities in Alaska participated in the annual event, adding to decades of data collection. Nome completed its count at sundown on New Year’s Eve. Download Audio
A white man with a mustache speaks while sitting at table

Senators unveil bill to extend, limit Alaska disaster declaration as deadline for food aid looms

Some Alaska state senators are aiming to pass a bill that would extend Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s disaster declaration, but with more limited powers than were in place until mid-February in order to continue providing food aid and assist in other COVID-19 response areas.

Consolidating ASD schools under consideration, but not likely to save money in short term

The Anchorage School Board wants the district administration to look at how consolidating schools could help close the district’s anticipated $22 million budget gap. Preliminary data shows it may hurt more than help in the short term.

Fast times and fat wallets – how Alaska got its pipeline

The trans-Alaska pipeline was the largest privately-funded construction project in the world, built across the biggest U.S. state and faced with unprecedented natural obstacles. It came with an $8 billion price tag, but true costs and benefits of the pipeline are still being calculated.

Thomas Files Recount Request

State Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Haines, said Tuesday that he was “99.9 percent sure” he’d ask for a recount in the race to keep his seat in the Legislature. On Wednesday, he chipped in the 0.1 percent.

Rep. Nageak’s nephew killed in police shooting

There was an officer involved in a fatal shooting in Barrow early Wednesday morning. According to the North Slope Borough Mayor’s office, the incident happened around 4:00 a.m. A North Slope Borough Police Officer was responding to a call for assistance when the shooting took place. The Mayor’s office identified the victim as Vincent Nageak III, the nephew of State Representative Ben Nageak (D-Barrow).Download Audio

Russian Orthodox Christmas Tradition Followed by Darker Custom

Anne Hillman, KUCB – Unalaska Every year from Jan. 7-9 many Russian Orthodox believers go staring for Russian Christmas. They follow a star from...

From Kotzebue to Ketchikan, Alaskans protested the killing of George Floyd, calling for justice

Here is a collection of our stories about the demonstrations from our reporters across the state.

54 Mushers Sign Up On First Day Of Iditarod Registration

Fifty-four mushers are already signed up for the 2013 Iditarod. Registration began Saturday. So far, the field includes nine rookies and plenty of familiar faces.

APD Seek Public’s Help In Finding Runaway Teen

Anchorage Police need the public’s help in locating a 17-year-old female who ran away from the Alaska Military Youth Academy where she is a cadet in their program.

Same-Sex Marriage is Legal in Alaska

A federal judge legalized same-sex marriage in Alaska on Sunday. Couples can start applying for licenses immediately and the state will recognize marriages from other states. Governor Sean Parnell said in a press release he will appeal the ruling in order to "defend and uphold the law and the Alaska Constitution."

Orphaned Sea Otter Pups Recovering At SeaLife Center

A pair of Sea Otter pups turned in to the Alaska SeaLife Center as orphaned are doing fine now. The center says hand feeding the animals was quite a chore because they consume 25 to 30 percent of their body weight each day. They are being transitioned from formula to seafood. Agnes was found near Homer in April. Nutka was found in June on Kodiak Island.

Helping hands get slapped

It's a common occurrence - teenagers outside a liquor store asking an adult to buy liquor for them.   But the consequences are often unfortunate--sometimes...
Front Street in Nome

Nome officials, homeless shelter see results from halt on Sunday alcohol sales

Local officials say three businesses' suspension of Sunday alcohol sales is contributing to reduced crime and emergency service calls.