
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Toshiba taking Galena nuclear plant design to NRC next week

A public meeting next Tuesday should answer some questions about how long it might take, and how much it might cost, to put a...

Washington county proposes hydro plant for Petersburg, Alaska

Two weeks after submitting an application to federal regulators, officials with Whatcom county in Washington have publically announced their interest in a private company’s...

Juneau now participating in regional landfill exploration

The Juneau Assembly has taken a step toward helping start a regional landfill authority for Southeast Alaska. Assemblyman Bob Doll asked the assembly to...

Anchorage Police using multi-agency teamwork against city gangs

The police department's counterattack against Anchorage's youth gang problem is beginning to show results.  That assessment came in a report given yesterday to the...

Kohring headed for trial on Monday

Former lawmaker Vic Kohring was back in court this morning. It was the final conference between the defense and prosecution before his corruption trial...

Alaska Guard soldiers back in the U.S.; almost home

A welcome home ceremony for Alaska Army National Guard soldiers in the 297th infantry was held this morning at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. The group...

Family ready for soldier's return

Martha Cervantes is eagerly waiting to have her youngest brother Floyd Herman Ticket home from his Kuwait deployment. Cervantes says the year-long absence has...

Red king crab fleet finally launching onto Bering Sea

After a few days of Bristol Bay red king crab price negotiations, the Bering Sea crab fleet has been given the green light to...

NOAA updates Arctic climate report to reflect wildlife losses and permafrost melting

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a team of scientists today issued an update of the State of the Arctic report they...

U.S. House hears updated science on climate change impacts in the Arctic

A U.S .House science subcommittee heard testimony today about the impact climate change is having on polar bears, permafrost, the Greenland ice sheet and...

Walrus Commission sees adaptive population; ponders environmental impacts

Reports of walrus haul-outs along Alaska’s northern coast due to record low Arctic sea ice are viewed by the Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC) as...

State increasing aerial wolf control permits in parts of Alaska

The State wants to increase the wolf take in the eastern interior. The Upper Yukon, Tanana region is the largest of five wolf control...

Native Hawaiians in Anchorage learning from Native Alaskans

Next week the 2007 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) convention meets in Fairbanks. But since Sunday, Anchorage has been hosting AFN's Hawaiian counterpart. Len Anderson,...

2007 polar ice retreat documented in remarkable new animation

It’s only 45 seconds long, but this movie could keep you on the edge of your seat -- if you’re interested in the future...

APD's crimes against children unit receives big funding boost

The Anchorage Police Department has just received a nearly 300-thousand dollar federal grant to use for investigations into internet crimes against children. Len Anderson, KSKA...

Web Extra: Summer 2007 polar sea ice animation

The scientific community has been abuzz with news of the dramatic sea ice retreat witnessed during the northern hemisphere summer in 2007. APRN has...

DEC reports 2,000-gallon methanol spill on North Slope

The state Department of Environmental Conservation reported today that 2,000 gallons of methanol was spilled onto the tundra near Pump Station 2 on the...

Don Young's legal expenses outpacing campaign income

Congressman Don Young paid out more in legal fees than his campaign raised during the past three months, according to a federal campaign finance...

Stevens pleased with fundraising efforts following record quarter

Despite the ongoing federal investigations of Senator Ted Stevens, he had a big take of campaign contributions during the third quarter. As we reported...

Feds to State: Thanks, but we've got these investigations covered

The United States Department of Justice is asking Alaska officials to stay out of the way of their investigation of corruption in the state....