
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Barrow couple goes to the dogs

About one month ago, commentator Earl Finkler and his wife Chris became the permanent owners of a 14-year-old Greenland husky named Nuna. Tonight Finkler...

Valley groups organize to protect wild salmon

2 year old Robert Morgan studies a northern pike, a voracious predator in Alaska, threatening various fish populations. Photo by Patty Sullivan/MSB Science shows...

Court stands its ground on Kensington Mine

The U.S. Ninth Circuit of Appeals will not reconsider an earlier decision that the tailings plan for the Kensington Gold Mine is illegal. Rosemarie Alexander,...

Korhing trial set to go to the jury

Both sides have officially rested their cases in the corruption trial of former state lawmaker Vic Kohring, and the case will now go to...

Latest oil-tax proposal takes on water

A new revenue analysis of the House Oil and Gas Committee’s oil tax bill that appeared over the weekend shows the state would take...

Feds investigating Stevens fish deals

The Associated Press is reporting Federal authorities investigating Sen. Ted Stevens are talking to members of the Alaska fishing industry looking for evidence of...

White Pass locomotive heads home

White Pass and Yukon Route’s Engine 114 left a repair yard in Tacoma, Washington, last Friday, bound for Skagway. The locomotive had been undergoing...

State rethinks size of timber harvests

The state of Alaska has sold record levels of its timber over the past number of years to supplement federal timber sale offerings while...

Consolidation in Southeast creates ripples

A Southeast boundary commission will take action on a possible Wrangell Borough as well as on the Ketchikan Gateway Borough annexation early next month....

Whatcom gives a dam

Members of the council for Whatcom county Washington say they welcome feedback from Petersburg area residents about proposed hydro electric power plants in nearby...

Supreme Court takes up Exxon Valdez reopener

It wasn't what they had hoped to hear, but this morning, Exxon Valdez oil spill plaintiffs found out they have more rounds to go...

Governor and Legislators react to decision on Exxon Valdez

Governor Palin says the Supreme Court’s acceptance of the appeal was a “kick in Alaskans’ collective gut.” She says the litigation is now becoming...

Ted Stevens name raised in Kohring corruption trial

New details have emerged in the federal investigation of Senator Ted Stevens, and the renovation of his Girdwood home. The information comes from testimony...

Prosecution winds up its case against Kohring

We should know soon whether former state legislator Vic Kohring will testify in his own defense. Federal prosecutors were wrapping up their corruption case...

House and Senate diverge on oil and gas tax

The House and Senate are taking separate paths to a re-written oil and gas tax. In separate committee substitute bills released over the weekend,...

AFN wraps up in Fairbanks

The Alskaka Federation of Natives 2007 Convention drew to a close on Saturday tying off loose ends before adjourning. Lori Townsend/Nellie Moore, APRN - Anchorage

Peter Jacob named Elder of the Year

Also at AFN over the weekend, Peter Jacob of Bethel was named as the AFN Elder of the Year for his lifetime of achievements. Angela...

Anchorage safety center dedicated

Today several agencies gathered to dedicate a new multi-agency facility in Anchorage to better serve victims of sexual assault and child abuse. Len Anderson, KSKA...

Clean Elections Initiative making its way around the state

Clean Elections initiative petitions will soon hit the streets in Sitka. Organizers say they’ve collected about a third of the signatures they need statewide...

NOAA lobbied to move ships north to Alaska

Juneau officials have started trying to recruit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to move its Seattle-based research vessels to Juneau. But NOAA officials...