
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

More soldiers return to Ft. Rich from Iraq

Close to three-hundred more soldiers from the 425 are back in Alaska this evening. Their arrival means nearly a third of the brigade has...

State survey offers glimpse into teen behavior

A survey released today by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services is painting a clearer picture of teen behavior in the state....

Oil spill training tax frustrates fisherman

A program that trains fisherman to help clean up oil spills in Prince William Sound may be in jeopardy. Fishing groups are frustrated by...

Wrangell City Council votes to support timber sale

With Wrangell’s timber industry struggling, the city council is looking for a way to bring it back to life. Last week the council passed...

Anchorage rejects illegal immigrant ordinance

A proposed Anchorage ordinance intended to help catch illegal immigrants appears dead. The Public Safety committee last week unanimously recommended the full Assembly reject...

New Kodiak Wildlife Refuge Visitors' Center opens

A brand new Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center opened to the public this weekend. The refuge is famous for its brown bears, eagles...

Special Session passes oil-tax bill and adjourns

The House this afternoon passed the oil tax rewrite bill, closing out the special session that began 30 days ago. The vote was 26...

Climate "Synthesis Report" ready for release

Today in Valencia, Spain negotiators from 130 nations finished writing a summary of the science and consequences of climate warming. Known as the "synthesis...

New State Supreme Court Justice appointed

Governor Sarah Palin has appointed Daniel Winfree, a Fairbanks attorney to the State Supreme Court. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau

NCAI convention meets in Denver

The 64th Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians wrapped up in Denver today. Denver was also the meeting place of the...

Small-scale alternative energy in Dillingham

A Dillingham man isn't waiting for large-scale alternative energy to become available in his area. He recently installed a personal-use wind turbine system. Anne Hillman,...

Pellet stoves about to take off in Alaska

Pellet stoves are the cleaner burning more efficient cousin of the wood stove. Their use is limited in Alaska by poor availability of fuel,...

Dumpster divers get a break in Fairbanks

The Fairbanks Borough Assembly has voted down an ordinance that would have banned people from picking items out of dumpsters at local transfer stations....

Taking recycling to a new level

Improving recycling options in all of Alaska, especially the bush is the focus of an Anchorage company called Total Reclaim. The company concentrates mainly...

Walter Soboleff celebrates 99th birthday

Preeminent Presbyterian minister and Tlingit elder, the Reverend Doctor Walter Soboleff, is now 99 years old. Several hundred people turned out at a community...

Illegal alien proposal troubles public safety committee

On Wednesday the Public safety committee of the Anchorage Assembly unanimously recommended the full Assembly reject a proposed ordinance its sponsor said would help...

Senator Stevens comments on corruption probe

Senator Ted Stevens briefly commented on the federal probe against him today, breaking months of silence on the topic. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Senate works to get final oil-tax bill

The Senate is running late finishing its work on the oil-tax re-write bill – the subject of the special session that’s scheduled to end...

Sig Hansen sells Russian crab

Millions of American TV viewers have watched Sig Hansen, the captain of the Bering Sea crab boat Northwestern, haul in Alaskan king crab on...

Kensington mine gets thumbs up

Miners and environmentalists have come to an agreement on the Kensington Gold Mine north of Juneau. John Ryan, KTOO - Juneau