
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

a statue of Captain James Cook

New sign tells real Alaska ‘discovery’ story

A sign featuring Dena’ina names for places visible from downtown Anchorage's Resolution Park was unveiled last week.
A man kisses a dog on the cheek

Iditarod dog found months after disappearing from checkpoint

An Iditarod sled dog was found safe after disappearing from a checkpoint in the race three months ago and covering nearly 150 miles.

Graduating 5th grade with a javelin toss

As the school year wraps up, some fifth graders are preparing to move from protective elementary schools to more grown-up middle schools. For the area's Waldorf school students, that transition includes spears and hand embroidered tunics at the tri-school Greek Pentathalon. Download Audio:

Cuts To Early Education Now Could Cost The State Later

Proposed cuts by Alaska lawmakers to early education programs could cost the state a lot more in the future. Program proponents say supporting parents and children from birth to age 5 is crucial to a child’s and the state’s development. Download Audio

Cyclist Death Investigation Underway While Friends Mourn

Three bicyclists have been killed by vehicles in Anchorage this year. The most recent was Fifty-one-year-old Jeff Dusenbury, who was hit by a pickup truck in South Anchorage Saturday. Fellow cyclists are mourning his death and waiting for the outcome of the District Attorney's investigation.

Judge Vacates Polar Bear Habitat Designation

A federal judge in Alaska has set aside a plan designating more than 187,000 square miles as habitat for threatened polar bears. U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said in a written order that the purpose behind the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designation was admirable, because it is important to protect the polar bear. But he said such protection must be done correctly, and found the current designation went too far and was “too extensive.”
humpback whales

Humpback whale calf found dead near Juneau was killed by a large boat, biologists say

The fatal injuries to Tango, found near Auke Bay this summer, included deep lacerations on the calf’s body and pectoral fin likely caused by a propeller.

Cordova hosts U.S. Senate field hearing on microgrids

Abraham Ellis is with the Sandia National Labs in New Mexico. “We are interested in those technologies to figure out ways to improve the energy resilience for cities,” he said. “For defense applications, and things like that, that really need to keep on going with electricity supply, even if the normal grid fails for whatever reason.”

State GOP Responds to Palin’s Departure

Alaska Republicans are issuing a blanket statement in the wake of Governor Palin's resignation, calling Palin a "valued public servant." Although the party is...

Homer Rep. Vance looks into Board of Fish vote on Cook Inlet meeting location

Homer House Rep. Sarah Vance announced Friday that she is launching an inquiry into the Alaska Board of Fisheries’ January vote to move its 2020 Upper Cook Inlet finfish meeting on the Kenai Peninsula back to Anchorage.

Murkowski Adds Federal Land Disposal Measure to Budget

Environmentalists are saying a budget amendment authored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski could lead to a plundering of treasured federal landscapes. Murkowski’s amendment on federal land disposals was part of a national budget resolution the Senate passed early this morning. Senators offered hundreds of amendments that don’t have the force of law but often serve symbolic or political purposes. Download Audio

Benefits bill for law enforcement, firefighters’ survivors falls short

The survivors of law-enforcement officers and firefighters who die in the line of duty continue to face uncertainty over health insurance. That’s because the two houses of the Legislature couldn’t agree on a bill to provide benefits during the recent special session. Download Audio

Tanana Chiefs Conference Convention In Fairbanks

The Tanana Chiefs Conference annual convention is happening in Fairbanks this week. Tuesday, delegates heard from four Interior men, the organization believes were wrongly convicted of murder. The men known as “The Fairbanks 4”: George Frese, Kevin Pease, Marvin Roberts and Eugene Vent are serving long prison sentences for the 1997 beating death of teenager John Hartman in downtown Fairbanks. It’s a case that’s long drawn questions.

Ambassadors Visit Alaska to ‘Experience America’

This week some three dozen foreign ambassadors are visiting Alaska as part of a U.S. State Department program called "Experience America."

House, Senate wait for other to act on conference committees

The Legislature appears to be stuck. The House and Senate haven’t named members to the conference committees that would meet to resolve the two chambers’ differences. Until that happens, the fate of the state’s budget remains uncertain. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015

House approves TransCanada buyout; Plane goes down near Haines - 3 passengers OK, 1 critical; FBI practices nuclear bomb drill at Anchorage port; Fire marshals investigate Kilbuck disaster; Therapeutic foster care program struggles to get off its feet in YK Delta; WEIO champ Big Bob Aiken dies at 62; Study: Carbon emissions from northern fires likely underestimated; Subsistence harvest of emperor geese on hold until 2017; Southeast shelters assist 40+ animals rescued from Ketchikan house Download Audio

Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters

Child abduction is a nightmare not many parents have had to deal with, but Anchorage author Lizbeth Meredith knows first hand how terrifying it is. In 1994, her former husband kidnapped their two young daughters and took them to Greece. It took two years to get them back. Listen Now

Fairview Bloods member captured in Wash. by US Marshals

Anchorage resident Delano Williams was arrested in Tacoma, Wash. without incident Friday, according to the FBI.

New Social Network Aims for Alaska Natives

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks There’s a new Facebook-like website for Alaska Natives. was created by Iditarod musher and Native rights and ...

300 Villages: Wales and Metlakatla

And now it’s time for our weekly trip around the state in the segment we call 300 villages. First we’ll head to the Northwest community of Wales, on the Bering Strait, and then to Metlakatla, south of Ketchikan.