
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Troopers Investigate Shooting Death Of Fox Man

Alaska State Troopers are investigating the shooting death of 69-year-old Jimmy Gojdics, an outdoorsman and character on National Geographic's reality show "Ultimate Survival."

Part 1: Musher Mike Santos – Dog Handling

) The 2014 Iditarod will easily go down in the books as one of the most memorable. From snow-starved trails to lightning-fast runs, conditions were treacherous for this years field, nearly a third of which have been forced to scratch. Mike Santos is among the many who called it quits in Rohn after a particularly rough stretch after Rainy Pass. But, for Santos, it's not about the race, it's all about the dogs.

NPS Banned From Spending Money On Yukon Charley Law Enforcement

A provision in an omnibus spending package passed by Congress last week bans the National Park Service from spending money on law enforcement on the Yukon River inside the Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve.

Can Logging Switch To Second-Growth Sooner?

Can Southeast’s timber industry survive while only logging second-growth forests? An Oregon research group says it can. And it could happen sooner than many expect.

Judge’s decision halts Valley mine project

A federal judge's ruling in a long-standing court action against a Palmer coal mine is being hailed as a win for environmental groups.

Court Clarifies Order To Redistricting Board

The state Supreme Court gave the state Redistricting Board the clarification it was looking for last week. It said its order requiring the Board to draft a map of legislative districts based on the criteria of the state Constitution should involve all districts, not the few in which there is a federal concern to preserve Native voting power. Download Audio

Signs, cash, puppies: competing strategies in state’s most expensive primary

If turnout stays at 2012 levels, candidates will have spent $59 per vote fighting to be the Republican option on the November ballot.

Top two officials in division overseeing prisons no longer work for state

The Department of Corrections spokeswoman cites confidentiality in declining to provide more information. Listen now
An oil rig in the water in the distancee

Alaska joins 12 other states to sue to undo Biden pause on US oil & gas lease sales

Thirteen states sued the Biden administration Wednesday to end a suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water and to reschedule canceled sales of offshore leases in waters including Cook Inlet.
a medical worker talks to someone through their driver's side window

Most Americans have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, the CDC reports

So many people caught the omicron variant over the winter that almost 60% of everyone in the U.S. — including most children — now have antibodies to the virus in their blood, the CDC said Tuesday.
Four men in camouflage uniforms, each holding a rifle, pose for a photo with a woman in civilian clothes behind a pile of boxes. One is holding a sign that says, "Thank you, Assist Ukraine."

With Alaskans’ help, Ukrainian woman gets much-needed supplies to her war-torn country

Her name is Olga Shpak, and she was recently in Alaska to talk about where the supplies are going and what she's seen as the war in Ukraine has progressed.

Unofficial Results Show Petersburg Borough Passing

It looks like Petersburg-area voters have approved the formation of a Borough, but the count is not yet final. The mail-in election wrapped-up on Tuesday.

Inuit Circumpolar Council Discussing Food Security

The Inuit Circumpolar Council is holding a meeting in Nome next week. The topic is food security, and the goal is to create a framework to understand the issue from an Inuit perspective. Download Audio

Ask a Climatologist: What to expect when you’re expecting La Niña

Alaska is fully into fall now, which means winter is right around the corner. And that, of course, means pondering what sort of temperatures and snow we'll see in the months ahead.

Mat-Su Borough and MEA divided over coal-fired power plans

Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough are headed for a showdown over a proposed ordinance that could limit the power provider's plans...

Tanana River Causing Floods South of Fairbanks

An ice jam on the Tanana River is causing flooding in the Salcha area, south of Fairbanks. National Weather Service hydrologist Ed Plumb says...
A sign that reads "UAA, UNIVERSITY of ALASKA ANCHORAGE." There are flowers in planters in front of it.

New legislation aims to address $1.5B University of Alaska maintenance backlog

University leaders say the bill, which would provide $35 million this year, would help shore up and modernize aging facilities.
A man with a bullhorn speaking to a crowd

Northeast Anchorage residents air frustrations over Bronson plan for Centennial homeless camp

Northeast Anchorage residents are angry at the lack of notice from Bronson over opening Centennial Campground to homeless campers.

After a rocky start, Unalaska’s subsistence salmon run hits target escapement

While Unalaska’s biggest subsistence salmon run got off to a slow start this season, it’s now at a sustainable level. Listen now

RUNNING: State House, District 27 Anchorage

Bob Buch (D) and Mia Costello (R) are running  for State House in District 27, Anchorage in Alaska's General Election...