
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Pilgrim family land case may impact others

The Supreme Court decision to deny hearing the Hale property access case has both sides looking at how the decision may affect Alaskans who...

Still no takers for Mat Maid

The state is still trying to find a buyer for Matanuska Maid Dairy. Friday's bid deadline came and went without a single offer. Ellen...

New testing for 'No Child Left Behind'

A federal program Alaska helped pilot will fundamentally change the way schools measure student progress. Ben Markus, KUAC - Fairbanks

First payout coming for new Sealaska shareholders

More than 1,500 Sealaska shareholders are receiving their first corporate dividends this month, this after members voted to now include the descendants of members. Ed...

From Sitka to the White House lawn

An ornament handcrafted by Sitka artist Tommy Joseph is adorning this year's White House Christmas tree. Melissa Marconi-Wentzel, KCAW - Sitka

Assembly returns to budget-delayed concerns

At five o'clock this evening, the Anchorage Assembly began its first meeting since passing the municipal budget on November 30th. The budget process saw...

Search called off for missing Medevac chopper

Rescuers have called off the search for a Medevac helicopter that went missing a week ago with four people on board. Annie Feidt, APRN -...

Palin calls for 4% increase in state budget

Governor Sarah Palin introduced her state spending plan today for the legislature to consider during next year’s session. Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage

Wolf attacks creating stir in Fairbanks

The Department of Fish and Game held a public meeting in Fairbanks last night to share information on recent wolf attacks east of town...

Supreme Court rejects Hale property case

The Hale family, formerly known as the Pilgrims, have come to the end of the road in a fight with the National Park Service...

Sitka schools cut calories

All’s well in the Sitka School district, thanks to a major effort to reduce soda vending, unhealthy snacks, and a tradition of donut fund...

Petersburg cold storage breaks even 1 year early

Petersburg’s community cold storage broke even this year. That’s a year earlier than the Petersburg Economic Development Council had expected for its new facility. Matt...

Southeast officials fear transport plans ignore region

State officials are updating a plan that could help set the course for future ferry, highway, bridge, harbor and airport projects around Alaska. Ed Schoenfeld,...

McBride takes over as Rural Advisor

After nearly 30 years as a reporter covering rural and urban Alaska, KTUU reporter Rhonda McBride began a new career today as Governor Palin's...

State board delays reading course for teachers

Last Friday the State Board of Education and Early Development decided not to require that all teachers in the state seeking re-certification take a...

Anchorage School District gives governor high marks

Friday afternoon Governor Palin announced her three billion dollar plan to bolster the state's education needs for the next three years.  The Anchorage School...

Ex-lawmaker Kott gets six years for corruption

Former lawmaker Pete Kott was sentenced this morning to 6 years in federal prison for his role in Alaska's ongoing corruption scandal. David Shurtleff, APRN...

Palin wants huge boost in school funding

Governor Sarah Palin today presented a $3 billion budget to pay for the state’s education needs for the next three years. Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

Salmon controversy goes international

In recent months, salmon fishermen in western Alaska have complained that levels of chinook salmon caught by Bering Sea pollock fishermen have hurt their...

Obama setting up shop in Anchorage

Presidential candidates typically ignore Alaska during primary season, but that could be changing. Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage