
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Web Extra: Rick Fox Discusses Donation

At the United Way announcement of the "90 percent by 2010" graduation campaign, Rick Fox described why he and his wife Cyndie, were presenting the campaign 250 thousand dollars. Rick Fox, who is a retired Shell Alaska executive, also refers to Shell Alaska's matching gift. Listen to Fox's entire statement. He is introduced by Michele Brown, CEO and President of United Way of Anchorage.

300 Villages: King Salmon & Naknek

Today for 300 villages we’re heading to King Salmon and Naknek, communities separated by a 16 mile road. The communities are at the start of the Alaska Peninsula and a gateway to Katmai National Park.

In Rare Appearance Before The Legislature, Walker Announces Plans For Point Thomson Lawsuit

Gov. Bill Walker has announced that on Friday, he will drop his Point Thomson lawsuit against the state and instead try to address his concerns with the settlement through a piece of legislation. It’s exactly what legislative leaders have been calling on him to do for the past two weeks. But the way Walker went about it left some of those same lawmakers less than amused. Download Audio

Former Haines Police Dispatcher Speaks Out On Alleged Harasser

Gov. Sean Parnell wants the hiring process for state employees examined after it was revealed a former police officer hired with the ferry system has a checkered past. Several people who talked about Jason Joel’s job performance for a previous story did not want to share their identity, including a former Haines Police Dispatcher who alleges Joel harassed her on the job. Now she is speaking out. Download Audio

Feds approve $1.7M to buy out homes in Newtok

A state official said the grant program is crucial because the erosion in Newtok and other Alaska villages does not qualify for traditional disaster relief. Listen now

Chugiak Football Hopes New Helmets Cut Down On Concussions

The effects of concussions on football players and ideas on how to prevent them have become a prominent issue in recent years. One Anchorage-area school is taking steps in preventing more traumatic brain injuries in their student-athletes by purchasing new, high-tech helmets.

Study shows sea lice killing wild salmon

Fish farms are wiping out wild salmon runs in British Columbia.  The culprit is a parasite known as sea lice. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

Democrats Take Write-In Case to Supreme Court

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The Alaska Democratic Party is taking its fight with the state division of elections to the Alaska Supreme Court. The...

Congress Moves Towards Health Care Vote

As US House Democrats whip up support for Sunday’s vote on health care legislation, Alaska’s delegation has not shifted its position. Libby Casey, APRN...
a plane crash site

Fairbanks-area neighborhood shaken by fatal cargo plane crash

Federal Aviation Administration officials say both people aboard the plane died Tuesday when it crashed near Mike Emers' farm.

Gabrielle Giffords Visits Alaska On ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ Tour

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, spent Tuesday in Anchorage, the second stop on their seven-state “Rights and Responsibilities ” Tour. The two are trying to gather support for their push to require expanded background checks for gun buyers, but Alaska’s Congressional delegation is not on board. Download Audio
a black bear

‘Hank the Tank,’ the bear behind 21 home invasions, has been captured near Lake Tahoe

A large black bear who is believed to be a notorious bandit and a hungry, uninvited houseguest was apprehended by wildlife biologists on Friday.
A man with a green T shirt faces the camera for a mugshot in front of lines showing his height.

LISTEN: An Alaska ski legend is accused of murder. This writer went inside ‘The final descent of Dean Cummings’

Dean Cummings was a champion skier and a pioneer in the Alaska heli-skiing industry, but according to reporting by Outside Magazine, colleagues described him as increasingly out of touch with reality in the years before he allegedly shot and killed a man.

As Trump administration removes federal roadblocks, Pebble Mine fight shifts to state

Now that the Trump administration has removed a major roadblock, Alaskans can expect a lot more action at the state level. Listen now

Construction-related blast triggers rock slide across North Tongass Highway

The blast happened around 5:30 p.m. Tuesday and closed the road for nearly seven hours.

First Of Two Superintendent Candidates Visits Anchorage

The first of the two finalists for the Anchorage School District superintendent position began a three day visit yesterday. After his first face-to-face interview with the school board, the candidate hoping to replace retiring Carol Comeau visited schools, met Anchorage assembly members and talked to the local press.

Predator reg debate veers from ‘puppy killing’ to ‘bull poop’

Republicans in the U.S. House, trying to roll back environmental rules of the Obama Administration, have turned to a rule that prohibits several methods of hunting predators in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuges. Amid talk of “puppy killing,” Alaska Congressman Don Young argued it’s up to the state to manage wildlife populations. Listen now

Caribou Hills fire consumes 70 homes, threatens more

Fire officials say damp, cooler weather today has helped slow a wildfire on the Kenai Peninsula. The Caribou Hills fire has destroyed about 70...

Solutions sought for lack of detox beds in South central Alaska

The director of the Ernie Turner Center says they need more beds to help people detox. AFACT is hosting a community meeting to discuss solutions.

State stops requiring annual phone books

Alaska telephone companies will not have to produce annual phone books starting in 2016.