
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Southeast salmon prices at record highs

Salmon prices around Southeast hit new records at the end of January. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the regional average...

Young fishing pros pushing for more winter catch options

The next generation of fishermen in Prince William Sound is starting to press for winter fisheries. Amy Bracken, KCHU - Valdez

Nearly 400 regulations up for consideration by Board of Fisheries

The Alaska Board of Fisheries took public testimony over the weekend on a wide scope of commercial and sport fishing interests. 391 regulatory proposals...

Students lobbying legislature for dramatically expanded University support

University of Alaska students are lobbying the Legislature this week for full funding for the university. 65 sharply-dressed students from the Coalition of UA...

Yukon Quest vet checks completed ahead of big race

Yukon Quest mushers are going through final preparations in anticipation of Saturday's start. Race dogs were examined by veterinarians over the weekend in Fairbanks...

Columbia University returning music rights to Alaska Natives in Barrow

Photo from the liner notes of Laura Boulton’s "The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska" LP Record, published by Smithsonian/Folkways Records in 1955. Pictured,...

AK: Sarah Palin

This week on AK: The Gov. We're taking a look at Sarah Palin, finding out what makes the First-in-Command of the Last Frontier tick....

Web Extra: Ten minutes with Sarah Palin

In preparation for this week's edition of AK, host Rebecca Sheir spent some time interviewing Alaska's first female and remarkably popular Governor -- Sarah...

Web Extra: David Gottstein on AGIA

In this extended interview, APRN reporter Dave Donaldson speaks with David Gottstein, from Backbone II, a citizen's watchdog group focused on the oil and...

Congressman Don Young releases fundraising numbers

A federal campaign funding report shows that Congressman Don Young received nearly $45,000 in contributions last quarter but paid out more than $425,000 in...

Response period still open in Kensington Mine appeal

Interested parties have until February 28 to file a response to a U.S. Supreme Court appeal of a lower court decision striking down the...

The Palin Administration looks favorably on new Tongass plan

The Palin administration says it’s optimistic the new Tongass Forest land-management plan will help Southeast Alaska’s timber industry. State forestry officials played a significant...

Backbone II weighs in with legislators on gasline

The Senate Resources Committee today continued its background hearings to prepare legislators for their consideration of a gas pipeline when a contract is put...

Alaska Gasline Port Authority not giving up yet

Despite the governor's rejection of their proposal for the second time, the  Alaska Gasline Port Authority  still hopes to work with the  administration on...

Evironmentalists target Shell over Chukchi and Beaufort leases

 Environmental groups are gearing up for a public and shareholder pressure campaign aimed at getting Shell to back off from plans for oil and...

Young mushers get set for running Junior Yukon Quest

While the main event is still a week away, junior Yukon Quest teams hit the trail tomorrow. The shorter 135 mile race is...

DNR to take public testimony on hoverbarge proposal

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources will hold a public meeting Monday night on a proposal to run amphibious hoverbarges from the Tulsequah Chief...

Residents in Barrow respond to Hayden Panettiere

Earlier this week we aired a story about the efforts of a group called Save the Whales Again! The organization is trying to pressure...

Anchorage Schools struggling to plan uncertain 2008-2009 budget

Last night the Anchorage School Board held its first of two public readings of the district's proposed budget for 2008-2009. The district's challenge? Forging...

Mat-Su preps for delivery of unique ferry/military vessel

Senator Ted Stevens got $20 million appropriated for it, the Navy wants to study it and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough expects to reap economic benefits...