
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Doyon land trade hotly debated in interior villages

A land exchange between a native corporation and the US Fish and Wildlife Service is being hotly debated in Interior villages this week. Public...

Harsh southeast winter takes its toll on eagles

The Alaska Raptor Center in Sitka is seeing a higher number of injured or dead eagles this winter. As of yesterday, 68 eagles were...

Sealaska considers going green

Sealaska wants to cash in on corporate America’s interest in going green. The Southeast regional Native corporation is looking into certifying its timber operations...

Assembly shapes conflict of interest response

Most Anchorage Assembly regular meetings have a familiar pattern, but not the last one.  The session was anything but "business as normal." Len Anderson, KSKA...

ExxonMobil announces plans for Point Thomson

The Point Thomson unit is one of the North Slope's largest untapped gas fields. The Frank Murkowski administration reclaimed the state’s leases in 2006...

Senator Stevens tells legislature the time to act on a gasline is now

Stevens says the US Congress took the first steps in developing a line from the North Slope in 2004 when it passed the Alaska...

Don Young not a big fan of John McCain

Congressman Don Young took aim at the presumptive Republican candidate for president during a visit to Ketchikan Monday. Deanna Garrison, KRBD - Ketchikan

The challenge of broadband for the bush

The problem of high speed internet access was explored at an Anchorage workshop last Friday. The University of Alaska and the Institute of the...

Deformed Kodiak deer worry hunters

Hunters in Kodiak are ringing the alarm bell regarding deformed male deer on the south end of the island. Hunter Tom Dooley urged the...

Bear control gets broad support in Sitka

A proposed neighborhood bear ordinance received a favorable reaction from the public at its unveiling last week. Local, state, and federal agencies believe the...

Mackey and Anderson race for the finish in Yukon Quest

Lance Mackey and Ken Anderson are racing to the finish line in the Yukon Quest.  Defending champion Mackey had a slight lead over Anderson...

Distant Westminster dog show captivates dog lovers in Barrow

The 132nd annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show took place last week in New York City.  It was a very popular television attraction both...

Talk of Alaska: Exxon Valdez "The Whole Truth" Campaign

ExxonMobil and plaintiffs in the Exxon Valdez oil spill lawsuit are gearing up for arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court later this month (Feb...

Organization offers Alaskans a way to check their carbon footprints

It's becoming an environmental cliché-- "Alaska is ground zero for global warming." The expression speaks to the impact the world's carbon emissions are...

Legislature takes up "Pebble Mine" bill

A bill that could restrict development of the Pebble mine in Southwest Alaska is on the move again. The bill has been heard eight...

Anderson and Mackey are neck and neck in Yukon Quest

Fairbanks rookie Ken Anderson is leading the Yukon Quest. He pulled into the Carmacks checkpoint this morning at 10:40 Yukon time, followed just three...

Forum in Skagway to explore contaminants in the food chain

US and Canadian studies show increasing levels of mercury and other contaminants in plants and animals, and the levels are higher the further you...

Alaskans contributing to arctic warming

It's becoming an environmental cliche-- "Alaska is ground zero for global warming." The expression speaks to the impact the world's carbon emissions are having...

Iron Dog took a bite out of competitors

Anchorage’s Mark McKenna and Eagle River’s Eric Quam won the Iron Dog snowmachine race on Saturday. The team will take home $25,000 for the...

Avalanche expert providing safety classes around the state

High winds today are preventing a helicopter from recovering the bodies of two avalanche victims at Turnagain Pass. Two Anchorage men died snowmachining in...