
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Sealaska makes adjustments to lands transfer bill

Southeast Alaska's regional Native Corporation, Sealaska, is making major changes to a controversial lands transfer bill. The Sitka Tribe of Alaska has endorsed the...

Begich openly exploring U.S. Senate run

After months of speculation, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich has announced he is forming an "exploratory committee" for a possible run for Ted Steven's U.S....

APRN's Joel Southern appears on KCRW

Public radio station KCRW (Santa Monica, CA) aired a program today (Tue, Feb 26) including APRN's own Joel Southern. On a show called "To...

Supreme Court ready for Exxon Valdez arguments

Tomorrow, lawyers for ExxonMobil and Exxon Valdez oil spill claimants go before the U.S. Supreme Court to argue whether the $2.5 billion punitive damages...

California considers Alaska's Ocean Ranger program

California state Senator Joe Simitian introduced Senate Bill 1582 last week to create the California Ocean Rangers. The program is modeled after Alaska's Ocean...

House laments lack of leadership on new energy resources

Alaska House members say they are frustrated in watching Alaska miss the opportunity to become a leader in new energy resources. Bethel’s Mary Nelson...

U.S. Senate approves Indian Health Care Improvement Act

Legislation to renew the Indian Health Care Improvement Act crossed a big hurdle today when it was overwhelmingly approved by the U.S. Senate. Efforts...

Senator Stevens to make earmark requests public

There's been a lot of debate recently about the Congressional practice of earmarking federal funds for programs and projects -- the Alaska delegation in...

Rockfish Pilot Program still controversial

Supporters of the Rockfish Pilot Program, a controversial rationalization plan for Gulf of Alaska groundfish species, have been trumpeting the successes during the first...

Electric cars nothing new to Sitka

History has just turned a corner in Southeast. A little over a month after two electric ZENN cars debuted in Kodiak, one of the...

Dog teams not the only racers on the Iditarod Trail

The world’s longest human-powered winter race is underway in Alaska. The Iditarod Invitational started on Sunday at Knik Lake. 46 competitors are skiing, biking...

House passes education funding boost

A bill increasing funding for local school districts by $120 million this year -- and some $250 million in phases over the next three...

Governor's AGIA / TransCanada plan exposed to public hearings

Alaskans have until March 6 to submit public comments on the TransCanada proposal to build a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to...

Public employees prep to vote on labor deal

After months of deadlock, State of Alaska supervisors have a tentative labor agreement with the Palin administration. And union officials say a rejection could...

Nikolski fuel emergency relieved for a few weeks

A pair of emergency fuel deliveries that arrived in Nikolski Friday afternoon may be enough to keep lights on in the small Aleutian island...

Sitka asked to cut back even further on electric usage

The Sitka electric department is urging residents to turn off their electric heaters and fire up the diesel or wood stoves. The city has...

Rescuer tells avalanche victim's harrowing tale

The skier who survived a massive avalanche this weekend at Turnagain Pass (south of Anchorage) is lucky to be alive. Ian Wilson, a tourist...

"Running of the Bulls" comes to Anchorage. In February. With Reindeer.

Anchorages's Fur Rondy got off to a flying start over the weekend. One event certain to go down in the annals of the weird...

Ceremony marks a quarter century of sheltering the homeless

Last week Anchorage's Clare House celebrated 25 years of offering shelter to homeless women with children. The observance honored those who have contributed...

Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority presents plan

The Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority – established by voters in 2002 – last night presented its plan for getting gas to markets in...