
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Former Governor target of Anchorage ethics probe for possible Stevens campaign offense

A public watchdog agency is asking the city of Anchorage to investigate whether former Governor Bill Sheffield may have broken municipal ethics codes by...

Southeast salmon fishermen facing big quota cuts

Commercial king salmon fishermen in Southeast will see their lowest harvest quota in a decade this season. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game...

Commercial fish licensing may be curtailed in Cook Inlet waters

The establishment and mission of a task force to meet before next year's legislative session to consider management issues of Cook Inlet salmon has...

Marine Board investigating 'Alaska Ranger' disaster

Hearings looking into the sinking of the Alaska Ranger continued over the weekend in Anchorage, as the Marine Board of Investigation took testimony from...

Tok manufacturer awarded grant for rural Alaska incinerator designs

A Tok welder has received a federal grant to build and test a waste incinerator for rural Alaska. Chris Marshal of Tok Welding and...

UAF students can soon sign up for electric car class

An upcoming class at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will teach students how to retrofit a car from gas to electric power. Dan Bross, KUAC...

National Geographic proposes 'geotourism' model at Sitka meetings

Tourism is up around the globe and according to the National Geographic Society, it's a double-edged sword. While tourism brings economic gains, the Society...

Juneau hosts historic gathering of Alaska statehood veterans

As Alaska approaches its 50th year of statehood, there are few left who were part of the convention that wrote the constitutional framework of...

Anchorage Schools receive nearly $1 million to improve American History teaching

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded the Anchorage School District nearly $1 million to improve American History teaching. The district will use...

Abbott pleads not guilty to Sitka murders

Jason Abbott has pleaded not guilty to murder. The eighteen-year-old was arraigned in Sitka Superior court this morning by telephone from Juneau’s Lemon Creek...

Governor shifts playing field on capital projects

Governor Sarah Palin last night vetoed a hundred seventy one capital projects that had been in the supplemental budget she got two years ago....

Fleet of planes to assess atmospheric conditions

Aircraft from federal agencies, including NASA, arrived in Fairbanks and Barrow this week to conduct flights over a massive area stretching from Alaska, over...

Home sales drop in Juneau

The volume of home sales in Juneau dropped by about 20 percent last year compared to 2006. National trends and local concerns contributed to...

Company looks to tap tidal power in Southeast

A Washington, DC company hopes to go with a shorter and simpler federal licensing process to study tidal power generation at two sites in...

Fairbanks Borough wants to burn trash to generate energy

The Fairbanks North Star Borough is taking another step toward reducing the local cost of energy.  The Borough recently sent out a request for...

Measure backing Filipino WWII vets gets bogged down

Some Alaska groups are backing federal legislation that would return pension and health benefits to Filipino veterans of World War II. They’re also urging...

Alaska Territorial Guard solders receive WWII discharge papers

Many Alaskan soldiers who fought in World War II were never officially discharged until last week.  About 50 of these Alaska Territorial Guard soldiers...

Senator Stevens calls for moratorium on commercial fishing in arctic waters

Senator Ted Stevens hopes to get top Bush Administration officials and the United Nations actively involved in pushing for no commercial fishing in the...

Alaska Ranger crewman admits to drinking on the ship

The assistant engineer on the Alaska Ranger admitted Wednesday to drinking alcohol on the factory trawler. But Rodney Lundy said he never did it...

Two leading bond rating agencies issue alert about TransCanada

The company is the Palin administration’s preliminary choice to develop a natural gas line from the North Slope.The reviews by both Moody’s Investor’s Service...