
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Tlingit-Haida Central Council’s general assembly in full swing

Two very different ceremonies marked the opening day of the Tlingit-Haida Central Council’s general assembly in Juneau. Delegates to Southeast Alaska’s largest tribal organization...

Chopper crash kills four, leaves one teen survivor

Three state employees and their pilot are dead after a helicopter crash 100 miles northeast of Anchorage. Miraculously, there was one survivor. David Shurtleff, APRN...

Avalanches drive up electricity costs in Juneau

Several massive avalanches have knocked out nearly all hydroelectric power to Juneau -- sending power rates skyrocketing for at least the next three months. Rosemarie...

'Alaska Ranger' survivors unveil new allegations of misconduct

A Marine Board of Investigation looking into the sinking of the Alaska Ranger held its second day of hearings in Seattle today. The board...

Anchorage radio station may lose ad dollars in wake of racial remarks

A prominent local organization is pulling advertising from Clear Channel in Anchorage. The action is a response to derogatory comments made by two disc...

Park Service managers working to clarify official Denali boundaries

The National Park Service is trying to better mark the boundary of Denali National Park. Agency spokeswoman Kris Fister says the effort is aimed...

Marine Highway looking forward to state's funding boost

The state ferry system got an extra $100 million from the legislature during this year's session. The money will go toward a new ship...

Anchorage Schools report drop in student suspensions

Suspensions in the Anchorage School district fell significantly in the third academic quarter compared to last year. Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage

Early surveys suggest southeast Alaska deer numbers rebounding

The State Department of Fish and Game is conducting its annual spring deer surveys in northern southeast Alaska. And at this point, large numbers...

Yukon Flats land exchange comment period reopens Friday (April 18)

The public has more time to weigh in on the proposed land exchange in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Fish and...

Izembek road on the radar in Washington, DC

Supporters and critics of a proposed land swap for a road that would connect King Cove with Cold Bay appeared before a US Senate...

Radio racism

A classic rock station in the Anchorage market is getting a lot of attention from the Native community and beyond for demeaning and derogatory...

Senate presses Kempthorne over delay on polar bear decision

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne was pressed again today on when the Bush Administration will decide whether to put polar bears on the threatened species...

Prospects for Gravina bridge fade once again

State lawmakers approved billions of dollars in spending this year, but none of it will go to the Gravina Bridge. That’s despite end-of-session attempts...

Don Young campaign revises 1st quarter fundraising totals downward

Today is the deadline for congressional candidates to file their 1st quarter fundraising reports with the Federal Elections Commission. There was a bit of...

Birds of a feather flock to Creamers Field

The average first arrival date for Canada Geese at Creamers Field in Fairbanks is April 13. Unseasonably cold and snowy weather hasn’t stopped the...

Finding constructive employment

In recent years, the Anchorage School District has worked to develop a program for students who want to go into construction. Last Friday, some...

Valdez remembers fallen skier

Last week, Jesse Tol became the 4th avalanche fatality in Alaska this year. The 31-year-old was buried while skiing at Thompson pass with his...

School district suspensions show remarkable third quarter drop

Third quarter student suspensions fell significantly this year compared to last, according to a report submitted to the Anchorage School Board at last night's...

Korhing's prison delays will run out in May

A federal judge says convicted former lawmaker Vic Kohring will be sentenced to prison in May. This comes after months of delays, as Kohring...