
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Prince Rupert docking a success for AMHS

Marine highway managers say a temporary docking setup in Prince Rupert is working well. Officials in the Canadian city shut down the regular ferry...

Ferry system pushes to get schedule out early

Alaska’s Marine Highway System is trying to get its fall-winter-spring schedule out early. The draft operating plan shows four of Alaska’s 11 ferries will...

Valdez museum has new more accessible home

The Maxine and Jesse Whitney museum in Valdez has a new location to show off its impressive collection of native art. Amy Bracken, KCHU -...

Alaska News Nightly: May 8, 2008

Former legislator Vic Kohring is sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison, Plus, the legislature plans to take the special session...

City to try curb side recycling

The Anchorage Assembly has approved curbside recycling, but only for a minority of Solid Waste Service customers, the city-owned garbage operation. Len Anderson, KSKA -...

Jake Metcalfe calls it quits

Democrat Jake Metcalfe has withdrawn his candidacy for the US House of Representatives. He made the announcement this afternoon. It comes after weeks of...

Congress fights over high oil prices

The political battle over high oil and gasoline prices continued in Congress today. Democrats unvei buy kamagra cheap led a plan that calls for a...

Don Young pushes ANWR as part of parks improvement bill

Congressman Don Young used a bill aimed at generating money to improve national parks to push his proposal for opening the coastal plain of...

Governor's disaster cabinet calls for economic assistance for Juneau

Governor Palin’s Disaster Policy Cabinet is recommending the governor request an economic injury disaster declaration to help small businesses access low-interest loans during Juneau’s...

Tanana River flood waters on the rise

Water overflowing the banks of the Tanana River flooded about 10 homes in the Salcha area today. Fairbanks North Star Borough spokeswoman Jennifer Yuhas...

Rice panic hits Y-K Delta

As news about the international rice shortage spreads, customers in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta are stocking up on their own supplies. Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK - Bethel

First Ocean Rangers swing into action

Alaska’s first Ocean Rangers are in action. The cruise-ship pollution monitors began their work when the first large vessel arrived in Alaska waters late...

25 abused dogs rescued in Mat-Su

Veterinarians in the Matanuska-Susita valley are caring for 25 severely emaciated and dehydrated sled dogs. The animals were removed from two properties in Lazy...

Alutiiq masks exhibited in Kodiak

After 136 years, part of a French collection of Alutiiq masks have returned home to Kodiak for an exhibition. Anne Hillman, KMXT - Kodiak

Nenana ice goes out

A rare late night winning time was recorded in the Nenana Ice Classic last night. The ice on the Tanana river at Nenana shifted...

Stevens continues push for federal crack down on illegal fishing

At a U.S. Senate hearing today, Ted Stevens prodded the head of NOAA to put more effort into curbing illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU)...

Bethel under fire for possible Voting Rights Act violations

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alaska is asking the U.S District Court to order the City of Bethel to provide effective oral...

Salcha area flood threat prompts Fairbanks to act

The Fairbanks North Star Borough has opened an Emergency Operations Center in response to flood danger in Salcha. Libby Casey, KUAC - Fairbanks

Seward considering nuclear as alternative energy source

As Alaskans struggle with rapid increases in fuel costs, small communities are researching alternative energy concepts to lower their electricity expenses. Wind, solar and...