
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

State launches $100 million home energy efficiency grant program

Alaskans facing high energy prices can take part in a state program going into effect this week to help lower fuel expenses. The Home...

Juneau electricity boss reflects on April avalanches, looks ahead

Bill Corbus, chairman of the board of Juneau’s electric utility works in a two-room office downtown. It’s on the second floor next to a...

Exxon Valdez plaintiff tax protections missing from Farm Bill on eve of passage

Congress has agreed on a final version of the U.S. Farm Bill. It now goes to the president to approve or veto. The legislation...

Centuries-old Aleut mask moves to new home in Anchorage

A rare wooden Aleut mask has a new home at the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) in Anchorage. APIA rescued the mask from an...

New Petersburg-Kake road driving transportation discussion

State officials are moving forward with building a road connecting Petersburg and Kake. They say the link between the two island communities would support...

Alaska's kids enjoying a stroll across Asia

Alaskan kids are walking across Asia. Well, they're actually walking across a very large map of Asia. National Geographic's “Traveling Map of Asia” is...

Mat-Su's proposed budget faces borough assembly tweaking and vote

The Matanuska Susitna Borough Assembly is expected to pass the FY 2009 Borough Budget at a special meeting in Palmer Tuesday. The Borough...

Prudhoe Bay oil production halted

Oil production at Prudhoe Bay was halted today when a vehicle clearing snowdrifts damaged the power supply to processing centers. BP said production would...

Demonstrators protest sharp rise in Juneau power rates

More than 130 people protested the recent quadrupling of power prices in Juneau this afternoon on the steps of the state capital. In addition...

Karleen Jackson, Alaska Commissioner of Health and Social Services resigns

Jackson has been with the department since 2003, when she became deputy HSS commissioner in the Murkowski administration.  She took over as commissioner in...

7 Alaska Governors honor state's 50th anniversary

Governors Murkowski and Palin sign limited edition 50th Anniversary prints. Photo by Len Anderson. In what was an historic event, this afternoon seven of Alaska's...

Experts tell Senate committee climate modeling is essential

A panel of expertes at US Senate Commerce Committee hearing testified that climate modeling is important to understanding what’s causing global warming. But they...

Congress asked to investigate Forest Service

A national watchdog group is asking Congress to investigate allegations that the US forest service retaliated against a whistleblower employee from Petersburg. An independent...

Southeast herring under scrutiny

Researchers from the University of Portland are conducting a comprehensive study of Pacific Herring in Southeast Alaska. Alec Dickenson, KRBD - Ketchikan

Cordova annual shorebird festival gets underway

Birders from around the world are gathered in the community to observe the swarms of tiny fowl, and capture them on film. Meanwhile, the...

Summer sun a constant companion in Barrow – but where’s the ice cream?

Residents of Barrow will soon gain 24-hour daylight. Starting tomorrow, the sun will remain above the horizon for almost three months. The summer...

Vic Kohring sentenced to prison

Convicted former lawmaker Vic Kohring was sentenced to 3-and-a-half years in federal prison this morning. He was found guilty in November of bribery, conspiracy,...

Legislature wants to take special session to the people

The Special Session of the legislature the governor has called next month will have a new twist – it’s taking some of its deliberations...

Tanana River flood waters begin to recede

Waters on the Tanana River near Salcha have dropped several feet, reducing the risk of flooding in the area.  But National Weather Service Hydrologist...

Military funds sled-dog research

A researcher in Oklahoma State University thinks sled dogs can teach humans how to prevent exercise fatigue. Michael Davis says the dogs have the...