
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Congress forms task force to investigate violence against Native women

A new task force created by Congress will examine the extremely high rates of violence, rape and sexual assault perpetrated against Native women throughout...

Coast Guard honors Alaska-Ranger rescue crews

The Coast Guard today honored the crews involved in the rescue of 42 fishermen and processing workers from the factory trawler Alaska Ranger, which...

Helping hands get slapped

It's a common occurrence - teenagers outside a liquor store asking an adult to buy liquor for them.   But the consequences are often unfortunate--sometimes...

Mat-Su School district funding falls to lower mill rate

The Matanuska Susitna Borough Assembly gave the okay to the FY 2009 Borough budget late Tuesday, despite last minute wrangling over the Borough's contribution...

Polar bears officially a 'threatened' species

After months of delay and wrangling over what to do, the Bush Administration announced today that it's listing polar bears as 'threatened' under the...

Alaska prison problems up for legislative audit

A legislative committee is calling for an audit of the State Department of Corrections amidst a no-confidence vote by Corrections staff, overcrowding and increased...

Alaska Airlines asks for Juneau airport expansion delay

Alaska Airlines has asked the Juneau International Airport Board to delay the terminal expansion project, cut the airport budget or reduce staff to cover...

Fishermen petition Congress for fuel-cost assistance

Alaska commercial fishermen are petitioning Congress to help them with their high diesel bills. Organizers say fuel costs are keeping fishermen closer to home...

Alaskan rural-to-urban migration rates increasing

More and more rural Alaskans are migrating to the state's urban centers. According to a new study from the Institute of Social and Economic...

Salvation Army and Red Cross seek to balance local missions with outside needs

The recent natural disasters in this country and in Asia have impacted the Alaskan branches of the Salvation Army and the American Red Cross....

Search for Japanese remains on Attu resumes

Japanese and American specialists began another mission to Attu Island today to search for the remains of 2,300 Japanese soldiers killed during World War...

Ted Stevens takes TSA to task

The head of the federal Transportation Security Administration got an earful from Ted Stevens at a US Senate Commerce Committee hearing today. Joel Southern, APRN...

Digital TV conversion looms for Alaskans

Alaskans haven't exactly been rushing to buy digital television equipment. TV stations in urban markets will discontinue analog broadcasts next February. But only 14,500...

Flint Hill considers future of North Pole refinery

The future of Flint Hills’ North Pole refinery is in question. The Kansas-based company is considering three options: selling the North Pole plant, reconfiguring...

Juneau Access Road continues to cause friction

State Department of Transportation officials say they expect the Lynn Canal Highway construction permit this month. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has confirmed...

Native leader push expansion of tribal self-governance contracting

Native leaders told the US Senate Indian Affairs Committee today that tribal self-governance contracting with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health...

Concern over Avian Cholera grows

Canadian Federal biologists will expand the monitoring of eider ducks as concern grows over avian cholera. Avian cholera is a naturally occurring disease that...

Running and walking round the clock for cancer research

Later this month, a large group of dedicated volunteers will assemble at the West Valley High School track in Fairbanks to take turns running...