
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Tourists seeking southeast halibut will be limited to one fish per day

Southeast Alaska's charter halibut season will likely kick off with a major change. A one-fish-per-day limit for customers could be in place by June...

Rockfish survival rates could rise with recompression tech

Scientists in the lower 48 say they've found a way to help increase the survival of released rockfish. It's called re-compression, and it could...

Audio Postcard: Ferry Tustamena an Aleutian lifeline

The Alaska Marine Highway's M/V Tustamena has connected remote villages with the rest of the state since 1964. Its southwestern route runs from Homer...

Fort Wainwright soldiers headed to Iraq this fall

It's official -- thousands of Fairbanks-based soldiers will go to Iraq in the fall. The Pentagon announced today (Mon) that Fort Wainwright's 1st Brigade...

Southwest winds may be harvested for rural power — if Governor allows

As the Governor looks at the state's capital budget for the possible vetoes, residents in four villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta are holding their...

Alaska's Arbor Day marks start of new forestry project at UAF

It's almost a month later than the rest of the country, but today is Arbor Day in Alaska. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is...

ANWR still dead on arrival on Capitol Hill

The Alaska delegation and other ANWR drilling supporters were rebuffed twice in Congress this week. On Tuesday, a Republican energy plan with ANWR...

BLM announces leasing plan for northeastern NPRA

The Bureau of Land Management today announced their leasing plan for the Northeastern  portion of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska or NPRA. Although the...

MMS wants to lease 5 million acres in Bristol Bay

In 2011, the Minerals Management Service hopes to put a 5.6 million acre area of Bristol Bay out to bid for oil and gas...

Slow start on the Copper River

The Copper River salmon season got off to a bleak start yesterday morning. Numbers are way down from last year. Amy Bracken, KCHU - Valdez

Tongass plan under appeal

More than a dozen groups and communities are appealing the latest version of the Tongass National Forest’s land-management plan. Southeast cities, business groups and...

Sponsors ask for removal of clean-water initiative

The sponsors of one of the two so-called “clean-water” ballot initiatives have asked that their measure be removed from public consideration.  In a letter...

Growth of Unalaska's wild-horse herd causes call for culling

Wild horses have roamed the populated side of Unalaska Island in the Aleutians for 11 years. A local organization says the growing herd is...

Graduating student in Bethel has not missed a day in 12 years

Bethel High School’s class of 2008  received their diplomas this afternoon.  The event is a culmination of 12 years of school and this year’s...

Stage Talk: Last Frontier Theater Conference / The 3 Wise Moose Theater Company

This week on Stage Talk, hosts Mark Muro and Jean Paul chat with the coordinator of the Last Frontier Theatre Conference, Dawson Moore and...

Governor Palin announces plan to help Alaskans weather the energy crisis

Governor Sarah Palin has unveiled her plan to curb Alaska's growing energy crisis. If  passed by the legislature, the plan would put thousands of...

Statewide climate-change group meets in Anchorage

The Governor's Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change began its meetings today in Anchorage.  The group plans to pull together a strategy for dealing with Alaska's...

Arctic Research Consortium focuses on climate change tipping points

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States wrapped up its annual Washington, DC meeting today. This year scientists and others attending the conference...

Legislators begin making plans for special session

The leaders in the House and Senate have begun making plans jointly for handling the work required of them during the special legislative session...

Juneau residents wonder if electricity crisis could have been avoided

Many Juneau residents are asking what could have been done to prevent the city's energy emergency. They are facing electric rates nearly five times...