
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Homer food bank struggles to keep shelves stocked

The Homer community food pantry is low on food, in particular meat, fish and other perishable items. The shortage may be linked to the...

50th annual Crab Festival kicks off in Kodiak

Sunshine greeted the crowds at the 50th annual Kodiak Crab Festival, which opened today  at noon. Casey Kelly, KMXT - Kodiak

Recycling expansion could take place this summer

Earlier this month the Anchorage Assembly approved a curbside recycling plan for some Solid Waste Services customers. But it backed away from voting...

Alaska will sue U.S. government over polar bear status

The State of Alaska announced today it's planning to sue the federal government for listing the polar bear as "threatened" under the Endangered Species...

Palin to release AGIA analysis

Tomorrow, Governor Palin plans to tell the public tomorrow what she wants to do about a gas pipeline from the North Slope. She will...

Kenai Peninsula fire 20% contained

Firefighters are making some progress in bringing the 300-acre homestead fire on the Kenai Peninsula under control. Mike Mason, KBBI - Homer

Congress drills down on domestic oil inventory numbers

With Memorial Day coming up next week, the summer driving season begins. This year, Congress and Bush Administration officials are more anxious about that...

Stevens looking ahead to threat of unregulated Arctic fishing

The U.S. House today gave final congressional approval to a resolution by Senator Ted Stevens calling on the federal government to gear up for...

Vehicle inspections in Anchorage expire in 2010. No, wait…

Anchorage car owners shouldn't assume the city is dropping its long-standing vehicle Inspection/Maintenance test. Last night, Anchorage Assembly Chair Matt Claman and other members...

Anchorage Assembly will reconsider I/M testing

Anchorage car owners shouldn't assume the city is dropping its long-standing vehicle Inspection/Maintenance test. Last night, Anchorage Assembly Chair Matt Claman and other members...

Homeland Security provides grant for Port of Anchorage security

The Port of Anchorage will continue to reinforce its security operations, thanks to a grant from the US Department of Homeland Security. ...

Wildfire breaks out on the Kenai

Firefighters are working today to contain a wildfire that apparently started last night on the Kenai Peninsula. The fire is burning in an...

Naltraxone having success treating alcoholism in the bush

New research shows a drug called Naltrexone is effective in treating alcoholism in rural areas- especially among Alaska Natives. Previous studies have proved...

Examining a process to provide low-cost fuel

The Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation is hiring an energy engineering firm to study coal and biomass energy for Fairbanks. FEDCO, is paying...

The Army considers basing more troops in Alaska

The Army put out a draft environmental impact statement looking at options for growing the army force here and re-aligning it. Army spokesman...

Rising fuel prices put pressure on AMHS to raise fairs for the Fairweather

The ferry Fairweather travels faster than most other Alaska Marine Highway vessels, but it also uses more fuel. It takes about 4000 gallons of...

New book chronicles the run up to the battle for Sitka

Two of Southeast Alaska’s leading cultural historians have published a new book about the battle for Sitka. The book documents the eventsleading up...

Anchorage Port to tighten security

Sunset at the Port of Anchorage The Port of Anchorage will continue to reinforce its security operations, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department...

State blocks release of polar bear recommendations

While many ears were tuned in for the Interior department's polar bear listing decision late last week, a UAA professor's long standing request for...