
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Sitka Assembly To Ask NPFMC To Lower Allowable Trawl Bycatch

The city of Sitka has gone on record in support of efforts to reduce the amount of halibut wasted in Alaska’s trawl fisheries. The Sitka assembly last week unanimously approved asking the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to lower the cap on trawl bycatch when it meets in Kodiak in June.

Dan Sullivan Wins GOP Bid; Results In for Other Races

Former Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan won the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. He will run against incumbent Democrat Mark Begich who easily won renomination Tuesday. Sullivan took 40 percent of the vote, 8 points ahead of Fairbanks Attorney Joe Miller. Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell finished third with about 25 percent of the vote. Dan Sullivan: 40.05% Mead Treadwell: 24.91% Joe Miller: 32.02%

Troopers Tracking Armed and Dangerous Man in NW Alaska

Alaska state troopers have been chasing a man between villages in northwest Alaska who is considered armed and dangerous and is accused of...

Alaskans rally against drilling, climate change outside of GLACIER conference

About 200 people gathered on the Park Strip in downtown Anchorage on Monday afternoon to protest offshore drilling in the Arctic and to speak in favor of stronger measures to fight climate change.

Circumpolar Health Conference Convenes In Fairbanks

The 15th International Congress on Circumpolar health convenes in Fairbanks today (Monday). Representatives from all nine Arctic nations, as well as scientists, health professionals and Alaska’s Congressional delegation will discuss issues related to health in the far north during the week-long conference.

Fairbanks classroom shows potential for 3-D printing

A classroom in downtown Fairbanks has the beginnings of a science-fiction story turning practical reality. There are 20 computers hooked up to 20 3-D printers in a lab at University of Alaska’s Community and Technical College or CTC. Teachers there believe it is going to be a huge game-changer for Alaska to “print” objects instead of buying them from an outside source. Listen now

Ted Stevens Day At NOAA Honors, Educates

Hundreds of people poured into Juneau’s Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute, or Auke Bay Laboratories, on Friday, a day set aside to honor its namesake and his legacy in Alaska. Download Audio

Legislators Gathering Ideas on Energy Needs

Legislators are heading back out across the state to listen to the public’s ideas about satisfying local energy needs. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download...

Congress Debates Mount McKinley Name Change

The National Park Service does not object to renaming the continent’s largest peak Mount Denali, though it’s stopping short of recommending the name change. In...
St. Paul Island

Bering Sea crab crash puts St. Paul emergency medical services in jeopardy

The city’s economy is about 90% dependent on the harvest of snow crab, which closed for the first time in the fishery’s history in October.

Subsistence Management Board Investigating Possible Violations

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Members of the federal subsistence management board last week heard comments from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service enforcement...

With Medicaid expansion, the chance for a fresh start

Alaskans have been able to sign of for Medicaid expansion for one month. Nearly 2,000 people have enrolled during that time. Download Audio

Will Bering Sea crab fishermen get emergency rationalization relief?

Bering Sea crab fishermen are looking for emergency relief from the Crab Rationalization program, but it's not what you might think. Casey Kelly, KMXT -...

12 seafood workers in Dillingham are diagnosed with COVID-19 as number of cases in Alaska continues to rise

The 12 infections in the nonresident workers are among 35 new cases included in the state health department’s data update Tuesday. The number of Alaskans with active COVID-19 infections has also reached a new high : 264.

“One Tree” Project Taking Root in Talkeetna

Deanna Haecker, KTNA – Talkeetna An international project called “One Tree” is beginning to take root in Talkeetna. Talkeetna Elementary School students as well...

Employee Complaints, Tests Flag Air Quality In State-Leased Office Building

Air quality test results show high levels of carbon dioxide and dust in Juneau’s Bill Ray Center, an office building the state is leasing for about 160 employees. For more than a month, the state has fielded complaints from employees about headaches and diesel fumes. Download Audio

Pebble EIS delayed, but not by federal shutdown, says Army Corps

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers confirmed that the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Pebble Mine is now expected in mid-February rather than January 2019, as previously estimated.

Fresh Snow Sends Drivers’ Slipping

Several inches of fresh snow coat Anchorage roadways and that's causing problems for drivers. Download Audio

Lawmakers Address Insurance Coverage of Autism Diagnosis, Treatment

Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK – Petersburg Alaskan lawmakers are again considering legislation that would require health insurance companies cover the diagnosis and treatment for ...
A portrait of a policeman.

Anchorage Assembly confirms Michael Kerle as new police chief

Kerle has served with the department since 1996 and was deputy chief under prior chief Ken McCoy.