
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaskans weigh in on AGIA

Last night the citizens of Alaska had a chance to weigh in on the AGIA proposal. Only 16 people signed up to testify, and...

FERC orders TAPS to pay state refund

Alaska could be getting an oil revenue boost. Federal regulators today ruled that owners of the 800-mile, trans-Alaska pipeline system overcharged for shipping oil...

Gary Stevens for Senate President?

The announcement by Senate President Lyda Green that she will not seek re-election has given rise to talk that Kodiak’s Gary Stevens might be...

Turning natural methane seeps into useable energy

A project on the North Slope is offering promise as a potential source for localized energy supplies. Katey Walter, an assistant professor at UAF,...

Chena Hots Springs to get a multi-million dollar facelift

A major upgrade of Chena Hot Springs Resort will get underway this summer.  The Resort plans a new 5 million dollar pool facility.  Chena...

Cook Inlet king run disappointing

Poor king salmon returns in Cook Inlet have forced closure of some sport and commercial fisheries starting this weekend.   The closures  highlight late king ...

Permit granted for construction of Lynn Canal highway

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers issued a permit Wednesday that allows the discharge of fill material into US waters, including forested wetlands, streams,...

Summer comes early this year

The summer solstice comes tomorrow at 3:59 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time. That's 11:59 p.m. Universal Time, and the US Naval Observatory says it's the...

Denali search continues after missing hikers make cell contact

The missing backpackers in Denali National Park are alive and well. Erica Nelson called her mother this morning to report she and Abby Flantz...

Palin drops idea for energy debit cards, still pursuing consumer cost deflection

Governor Sarah Palin is expected to release her final plan to help Alaskans deal with the high costs of energy at the end of...

Hickel recommends legislators turn down TransCanada gas plan

Former Governor Wally Hickel this morning asked legislators to reject Governor Palin's proposal to license TransCanada as developer of a North Slope gas pipeline...

Wrangell grappling with surprise loss of 7 cruise ship visits

The Empress of the North has recently announced the cancellation of their last 7 sailings in southeast Alaska due to weak advanced booking rates....

Ocean acidity accelerating, Congress pushing for fast research

A bill to step up research on the impacts of growing acidity in the world's oceans was passed by a subcommittee in the U.S....

Juneau looking at option send its garbage through 'plasma recycling'

A startup company from Alabama wants Juneau to start vaporizing its garbage. John Ryan, KTOO - Juneau

Glacier-released ancient remains linked to living relatives in Juneau

Juneau resident Marilyn Doyle is learning she has a long lost relative. His name is "Long Ago Person Found." He was discovered by sheep...

Kenai bears and tourists keeping Fish & Game staff busy

Wildlife officers with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game have been busy on the Kenai Peninsula over the past few weeks responding to...

Kayakers, canoers take to the water in annual Sitka competition

Devoted paddlers from Sitka and beyond donned their spray skirts Saturday to compete in the Sitka Sound Ocean Adventure Race. Andi McDaniel, KCAW - Sitka ...

Search for lost Denali hikers intensifies

Searchers in Denali National Park are ramping up efforts to find missing backpackers Abby Flantz and Erica Nelson. The searchnow involves 3 helicopters,...

Congress examines effects of ocean acidification

Tomorrow, a US House subcommittee plans to pass a bill to step up research on the impacts of growing acidity in the world's...

Pt. Thompson gas production remains a distant goal

Full production of natural gas from the Point Thomson field on the North Slope could be 15 years away – that’s after the legal...