
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

House takes up Palin energy rebate

The one-time, $1200 resource rebate Governor Palin has proposed sharing with all Alaskans is not based on financial or geographic need for the money.  ...

Can Alaska be a national leader in energy efficiency?

With oil prices hovering in record territory, it isn’t easy to think about facing the upcoming Alaskan winter.  But one Fairbanks homebuilder says there’s...

Anchorage announces plan for a jointly owned new power plant

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich has unveiled a plan where Municipal Light & Power and Chugach Electric Association would combine efforts to construct a new...

Monegan firing still causing ripples

The firing of Public Safety commissioner Walt Monegan continues to draw reaction.  Monegan says he's not sure why he was fired, and Public Safety...

KUIU timber sale goes back to the future

A proposed U.S. Forest Service timber sale on Northern KUIU Island in Central Southeast focuses on areas where road building and logging have already...

Yakutat lodge returns from the ashes

A Yakutat lodge damaged in a fire last year is almost done rebuilding. The September blaze destroyed the Leonard’s Landing restaurant, one of...

Okmok volcano throws ash 60 miles from evacuated Umnak Island

Image of the eruption of Okmok, taken Sunday, July 13 by flight attendant Kelly Reeves during Alaska Airlines flights 160 and 161. An Aleutian...

Governor asks state public safety chief to step aside

State Department of Public Safety commissioner Walt Monegan was abruptly relieved of his position Friday. Monegan, a 30-year veteran of the Anchorage Police Department...

Federal regulators ready to receive a gas pipeline proposal

The final regulatory step on a gas pipeline from the North Slope to North American markets will be taken by the Federal Energy Regulatory...

Will ExxonMobil out-maneuver 'Valdez' plaintiffs on 19 years' of interest?

Last week lawyers for the plaintiffs in the Exxon Valdez oil spill punitive damages case filed a request with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking...

Canada's First Nations may hold key controls over gas line project

Challenges from Canada's First Nations could slow down construction of a gas line from the North Slope through Canada. However, legislators in Juneau yesterday...

Forest Service sued over deer assesments amidst Tongass timber sales

Two environmental groups are suing the U.S. Forest Service over the way it evaluates habitat for deer in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast...

Immigration actions against illegal aliens in northwest U.S. up 40%

A new study from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows a 40% increase in the number of illegal immigrants deported from Oregon,...

Mayor proposes new working alliance between utilities ML&P and CEA

Friday afternoon Mayor Mark Begich unveiled a proposed plan where Municipal Light and Power (ML&P) and Chugach Electric Association (CEA) would combine efforts to...

Special session considers special energy rebate for Alaskans

Legislators today  opened hearings on Governor Palin’s proposal that all Alaskans get a one-time $1200 rebate to help meet high energy costs. Dave Donaldson, APRN...

Ted Stevens weighs in on national energy issues in speech before legislature

Senator Ted Stevens did not use his presentation to the legislature today (Friday) to endorse either side in the ongoing consideration over issuing a...

HHS conducts survey on health care for state seniors

As the percentage of Alaska's 65 and older population rises, the issue of providing long term health care also looms ever larger.  That's why...

AKPIRG says stats show incumbents have an edge

A new study from the Alaska Public Interest Research Group or AKPIRG indicates that incumbent politicians and well funded campaigns have a much higher...

Angoon residents have high hopes for new community leaders

Eight months after Angoon ushered in a new city council, some residents of the Tlingit community on Admiralty Island in Southeast Alaska say they...

Unalaska plays host to NOAA research vessels

Unalaska is hosting multiple research vessels this summer. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s Oscar Dyson left for the Russian border yesterday afternoon to...