
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Snow Falls In Near Tok

This week’s cooling trend brought snow to the Alaska Range. More than 9 inches of snow was on the ground Wednesday near the Log Cabin Wilderness Lodge. Download Audio

President Announces Second Tribal Nations Summit

Libby Casey, APRN - Washington DC The Obama Administration plans to host a second Tribal Nations Summit next month.  It was announced at the National...

Sheldon Jackson board reaffirms goal to retire the college's debt

The Board of Trustees of Sheldon Jackson College reaffirmed their goals this week of satisfying the College's 13 million dollar debt, and maintaining the...
A handful of buildings on a peninsula with foggy mountains in the background

More than a quarter of Alaska communities haven’t claimed state CARES Act grants

63 Alaska communities haven't claimed funds, largely overe disagreements about how to spend the money.

North Slope Schools See Growth This Year

Jake Neher, KBRW – Barrow The North Slope Borough School district is projecting a rise in student enrollment for the first time since 1999....

AK: Spear Fishing

For one month each fall, Interior residents wade into the crystal clear waters of the Chatanika River to catch whitefish. They spawn in the fall, unlike other fish in Alaska. The state limits both the number of permits and the harvest. This isn’t your typical fishery. Instead of rods and reels, or nets, fishermen use spears. Download Audio

New Hoonah Dock Could Boost Tourism Numbers

Hoonah’s Icy Strait Point tourist attraction will see more visitors once a new cruise ship dock is built. That’s according to officials, who expect it to attract more cruise lines to the town 50 miles west of Juneau. But critics worry the location will not help the rest of the city. Download Audio

Winning big on game show carries big price tag for Bethel resident

If you are from rural Alaska, winning on the television game show "The Price is Right" carries a price tag they don’t tell you about on the show, as a Bethel resident recently learned when she won big on the program. Listen now
Officers sit in a meeting room

Senators hope new bill can keep public safety officers in rural Alaska

The Alaska VPSO Program has been on the decline. In the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta alone, the program has shrunk by about 90%. 
Rocks (ore) separated by wooden planks

Barrick Gold takes Donlin mine development ‘very seriously’ during big merger

Barrick Gold also wants to build one of the world’s largest gold mines, the Donlin gold mine, in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta. And this merger could have future implications for the project.

Wage increase kicks In January 1

In 2014 Alaskans voted for one-dollar increases to go into effect in 2015 and 2016. The first, raised it from $7.75 per hour, to $8.75. The second, to $9.75 an hour goes into effect January 1, 2016. Download Audio

Naknek Electric, Deep in Debt, Outlines Geothermal Plan

The Naknek Electric Association has released a plan explaining where they’re going with their geothermal project. The member-owned electricity cooperative filed for bankruptcy last year after problems with the more than decade-old geothermal exploration.

Getting Down to the Details of Alaska’s Food

A short growing season, limited transportation links, high fuel prices – the list of barriers to strengthening Alaska’s local food system is long. It’s hard to know where to start. APRN: Tuesday, 11/4 at 10:00am Download Audio

Fishers Flock to Anchorage’s Slam’n Salm’n Derby

This weekend you can expect hundreds of local and tourists to crowd Ship Creek in Anchorage, trying to snag a monster king salmon. The fishing frenzy is part of the slamin salmon derby, a 10-day long competition and fundraiser
two people on a porch

Millions of Americans are resorting to risky ways to buy an affordable home

Alternative financing arrangements can be the only option for low-income Americans. But they lack the same protections as a mortgage, and many end up paying for years without ever gaining ownership.

Western Alaska Braces for Big Storm

They're preparing for a big storm in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. The National Weather Service says it will likely hit this evening and hit hard. Forecasters say near-hurricane force winds will generate 20-foot seas over the Chukchi Sea and 15-to-25-feet seas over the northern Bering Sea.

Alaska Board of Fisheries Votes to Open Cod Fishing in Western Aleutians

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska In a challenge to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Alaska Board of Fisheries has voted to open state...

Fairbanks Borough wants to burn trash to generate energy

The Fairbanks North Star Borough is taking another step toward reducing the local cost of energy.  The Borough recently sent out a request for...
a dormant volcano as seen from plane

No, Mt. Edgecumbe is not about to blow, scientists say

When a series of earthquakes has no clear mainshock that set it off, it’s often described as a swarm.

Family of Man Shot By Anchorage Police Sues

The family of man fatally shot by Anchorage police is suing the police department, officers and the city, claiming reckless, excessive force was used. Download Audio