
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Russian ham radio operators set up a call station in the Aleutians

Ham radio enthusiasts sometimes go to great lengths to contact each other and remote regions of the world. A group of three Russians...

On the road south with Earl Finkler

It has been a long road trip for former Barrow commentator Earl Finkler, his wife Chris and Green land Huskies Nuna and Avu.  After...

Sweet clover proving dangerous to Alaska's natural habitat

A seemingly innocent plant bearing delicate white flowers is posing a threat to native plants, fish and wildlife. And it's likely blooming on a...

Going Green: Business Opportunities and Challenges

KSKA Public Radio is proud to present Joel Makower's recent Anchorage speech on the business rewards and challenges of "going green." Len Anderson originally filed...

Happy Birthday KSKA!

KSKA Public Radio first went on the air 30 years ago next month -- on August 15, 1978. To celebrate the event -- and...

Happy Birthday APRN!

The Alaska Public Radio Network was incorporated as a nonprofit public service company 30 years ago this week -- on July 28, 1978. To...

Senator Ted Stevens under the microscope; arraignment Thursday

One day after being indicted for lying, Senator Ted Stevens was back at work, serving as Alaska's senior Senator. He cast votes on...

Legislature to put subpoena power in hands of Monegan investigators

Preparation is nearly complete for the legislative investigation into the events surrounding the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and whether there was...

Eastern interior Alaska under flood warnings

Flood warnings are in effect across the eastern interior until tomorrow afternoon. Heavy rains have swollen rivers over their banks. High water is threatening...

Caribou kill east of Point Hope has town, police on edge

Residents of the Chukchi sea coastal community of Point Hope in Northwest Alaska are expressing shock over the massive killing of caribou on the...

Kuskokwim Kings barely reaching spawning grounds

King Salmon on the Kuskokwim River are not meeting escapement goals. Despite a great season of fishing, Alaska Fish and Game says only a...

Clean water vs. cruise ships may land back in Legislature's lap

Regulation of Alaska's cruise industry could be headed to court. Clean-water activists have taken steps that could lead to legal action against ships they...

Galena seeking critical mass for nuclear project

The Galena City Council has reaffirmed its support for the continued study of nuclear power for the community. But Galena officials are still looking...

Web Extra: Wev Shea on Stevens indictment, Alaska corruption

Former U.S. Attorney for Alaska Wev Shea has been an outspoken critic of corruption within Alaska politics. In this longer -- 12 min. --...

Senator Ted Stevens indicted by Federal grand jury

A federal grand jury indicted Senator Stevens this morning on seven criminal counts of making false statements. He is the first sitting U.S. Senator...

Former federal prosecutor Wev Shea reacts to Stevens indictment

Former U.S. Attorney for Alaska Wev Shea has been an outspoken critic of corruption within Alaska politics. Shea says he would not have expected...

Governor and legislators ‘rocked’ by Stevens indictment

Governor Sarah Palin said the indictment "rocks the foundation" of the state. She says she shares with others the concern and dismay over the...

Citizens around the state weigh in on indictment

News of today's indictment against Senator Stevens sparked a very mixed reaction around the state. Here's a small sample of what the Senator's...

Political rivals react to Stevens indictment

Ted Stevens' main opponent in the Republican primary election had a restrained reaction to the indictment today. Dave Cuddy, who spent $1 million of his...

Stevens indictment stirs discussion in fish country

In Kodiak, home to the largest fishing fleet in the state, Senator Ted Stevens' indictment on seven counts of making false statements is...