
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Analog TV goes dead in 6 months; is largely-rural Alaska ready?

In six months, television viewers who aren’t ready for the conversion to digital will be out of luck -- unable to watch broadcast TV....

Falling birth rate means Petersburg may cancel local baby delivery services

Petersburg's hospital may stop delivering babies on a routine basis next year. Physicians are recommending the change due to a substantial decline in the...

Anchorage's Native charter school faces enrollment shortfall

For the organizers of the Anchorage's new Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, this August was to be the realization of a long time goal....

Prosecutors make fresh allegations against Senator Stevens

Federal prosecutors preparing to try Senator Ted Stevens have made fresh allegations about gifts they say he covered up.  Yesterday was the deadline to...

60 year-old mystery solved

A real life Alaska cold case has been solved. Officials have positively identified the remains of a  victim of a plane crash in the...

Alaska summers could be cold and wet for decades

The cool and rainy weather across the state this summer could be the start of a trend in the years ahead.  Climatologists are blaming...

Clean elections ballot proposition in voters' hands

August 26, Voters will decide the fate of a ballot measure that would provide public funding for campaigns in Alaska. Mike Mason, KBBI - Homer Download...

Alaska Native Cultural Charter School finds its back against the wall

For the organizers of the Anchorage's new Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, this August was to be the realization of a long, worked-for goal. ...

New Sitka farmers' market set to open

While many Sitka residents have long known the value of eating local seafood or wild edible plants,  organizers of the town’s first farmers market...

Valley district produces three-way Republican primary contest

District 16 incumbent Bill Stoltze has two challengers nipping at his heels in this year's Republican primary race. J.D. Hatley and Kent Hermon are...

Steven's lawyers move to dismiss charges against him

Lawyers for Senator Ted Stevens filed a handful of motions today to dismiss the charges against him.  Stevens faces seven counts of lying on...

Alaska lobbyist charged with failure to report his business activities

One of Alaska's most influential lobbyists, Ashley Reed,  faces criminal charges on seven (7) counts of failure to report his business activities to the...

Governor gives Kopp a hefty severance package

The Palin administration gave former public safety commissioner Chuck Kopp a $10,000  severance package for his two weeks on the job. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO -...

A new polar-bear study examines results of receding sea ice

A study underway near Deadhorse is looking at how polar bears cope when they're forced to spend more time on land because of limited...

Belugas in the Kuskokwim

Kuskokwim Villages are seeing some large and unfamiliar animals in the river.  Residents are reporting at least one Belugua whale headed upriver. Shane Iverson, KYUK...

Canadian legislator calls for shared energy vision with U.S.

A Canadian legislator has shared a vision for the future of energy in North America at the Conference of Arctic Parliamentarians in Fairbanks.  Robert...

Pink returns disappointing in Southeast

With a total catch of around 5 million fish so far, pink salmon returns remain poor in much of Southeast Alaska. The Commercial Pink...

Craig residents debate fluoridated water

Fluoridated water has been a controversial subject in Juneau recently. Now residents and council members in the town of Craig, on Prince of Wales...

Rural race kicks off KSKA primary coverage

In the upcoming August 26th Primary, Trapper Creek homesteader April Moore is making a second attempt to unseat District 15 Representative Mark Neuman. ...