
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Cavers and Scientists Exploring New Areas

Cavers and scientists are exploring new underground areas of Alaska. They're discovering new caverns and the mineral formations hidden inside. Southeast Alaska Caves "Encounters" Documentary: Southeast...
Alaska's legislative budget and audit committee

Special investigation finds Gov. Dunleavy wasn’t involved in firing of former Permanent Fund CEO

The investigation was ordered by a committee of the Alaska Legislature after former CEO Angela Rodell alleged "political retribution" was involved.
Petersburg's high school

Petersburg schools concerned about spreading trend of travel-fueled absenteeism

School administrators in Petersburg have been alarmed this year by how many families are taking extended vacations outside of school breaks.

Zirkle Leads Mushers Into Nikolai

Aliy Zirkle was the first musher to ride into Nikolai at 9:14 a.m., followed by reigning champion John Baker at 9:36 a.m.. Lance Mackey isn't far behind, making it into the checkpoint just before 10:00 a.m.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2016

Latest oil and gas tax credit aimed at gaining majority; musher assault case raises questions over Iditarod handling; Togiak herring season starts out rough; hydropower brought to Bristol Bay village of Igiugig; early breakup occurs along Yukon River; new assistant Sitka DA serves in stride; Sitka cruises to bring passengers to shore; Yupik Spelling Bee helps spread Yupik literacy; commercial fishing to be opened for Stikine River kings Download Audio

Avian Cholera Caused Savoonga, Gambell Seabird Die Off

Late last month, residents of Savoonga and Gambell on St. Lawrence Island began finding hundreds of dead seabirds as they washed ashore. This week, state officials said the event was from a common disease, and is no cause for concern. Download Audio

Lawsuit to evict ADN over unpaid bills threatens paper’s future

The state's largest newspaper is in serious financial trouble, according to a lawsuit brought by GCI over $1.4 million in unpaid bills, and more in additional claims. It's one of several lawsuits against the paper. Listen now

Proposed Ambler project underscores promise and peril of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

Ambivalence about the Ambler road and mine projects extends across the Upper Kobuk River region, where jobs could support subsistence but development could jeopardize it. 
A close up image of a shot being drawn

The FDA postpones a highly anticipated meeting on the Pfizer vaccine for young kids

"We believe additional information regarding the ongoing evaluation of a third dose should be considered as part of our decision-making for potential authorization," FDA officials said in a statement.

House Passes Spending Bill; Alaska Benefits

The US House passed a massive spending package on Thursday that contains hundreds of millions of dollars for Alaska. The omnibus combines 6 spending...
an airliner

Boeing agrees to plead guilty and pay a nearly quarter-billion dollar fine

Boeing will plead guilty to a criminal fraud charge stemming from the crashes of two 737 Max jets in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people.

Panel Proposes More Education Money, Pension Fix

The House Finance Committee has proposed an increase in education funding of about $300 per-student over three years. Download Audio

Jesse Owens: An American Experience

To tell the story of Jessie Owens’ remarkable victories in the face of Nazi racism, this film begins in the poor Cleveland neighborhood where the young athlete grew up; details his early career; describes Adolf Hitler’s outsized ambitions for the 1936 Olympics; explores the movement in Western democracies to boycott the event; and explains the pressures on Owens to attend. Alaska Public Television. Thursday, July 12. 8:00 pm

Seabird Decline Could Signal Drop In Ocean Productivity

Seabirds are on the decline in the North Pacific, from the Western Aleutians to Vancouver Island. Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey compiled and filtered the data of hundreds of thousands of surveys of different species conducted in the last 40 years to document the decline. They say the decline could signal a drop in the overall productivity of the ocean. Download Audio

Search for Young Man Missing on Kuskokwim

A man has been missing since Saturday after his boat capsized on the Kuskokwim river near Napakaik. Walter Springer, age 25, is from Bethel. Arrested at the boat and charged with bootlegging and violating terms of release was Michael Treat, age 27, also of Bethel.

SEACAD Receives Federal Honors

A Southeast regional law enforcement coalition spearheaded by Sitka’s police chief received honors from the federal government on Tuesday night.

Settlement in Bong Hits for Jesus case

The Juneau-Douglas High School student who took his free-speech case to the U.S. Supreme Court has reached a final settlement with the Juneau...

Arguments fly in landmark Ketchikan schools case

The Alaska Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in case that could upend the way the state pays for education. The Ketchikan Gateway Borough is arguing that it's a violation of the state constitution to require local governments to chip in money to fund local schools. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016

Obama slows pace of F35s; scientists find prevalence of algal toxins in the Arctic; Gara: don't let budget cuts fall too heavily on working class, poor; ConocoPhillips plows ahead in NPR-A; agreement expected soon on railroad right of way; Mt. Edgecumbe proud of tradition; Sass running strong in Yukon Quest. Download Audio

Thinking green on March 17

Today is Saint Patrick's Day, the informal annual Irish day of celebration, usually marked with parades, the wearing of the green and other shenanigans....