
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Web Extra: Talking polar bears and Arctic science

In this Web Extra, APRN reporter and Alaska News Nightly host Lori Townsend chats with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) wildlife researcher -- and polar...

Palin back in Alaska with Presidential politics in tow

Alaskans welcomed home Governor Sarah Palin last night in Fairbanks. Thousands were on hand to celebrate the recently-named Republican vice presidential candidate, while others...

Women disagreeing with Palin’s politics holding rally despite hateful backlash

A group of Anchorage women are planning a "Reject Palin" rally Saturday to show that Governor Sarah Palin does not necessarily represent the political...

Committee investigating slow fall in fuel prices

A legislative committee charged with figuring out why fuel prices in Alaska have been slow to come down with the price of crude oil,...

Mount Spurr geothermal power speculators sign lease deal with state

The state of Alaska has held a lease sale that included over 36,000 acres of land on the southern flank of Mount Spurr. The...

King Cove closer to new road, but wildlife refuge may stand in the way

The U.S. Senate's Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved legislation today that would allow a land swap in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge on...

Consumer Alert: Contaminated peas from Mat-Valley Peas

Anchorage and Alaska officials are warning consumers not to eat raw peas grown by Mat-Valley Peas in Palmer. John Ryan, KTOO - Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Researcher looking for toxins leading to Alaska Native birth defects

The links between cancer and environmental toxins will be the subject of a lecture given tonight in Anchorage. Dr. Devra Davis is a University...

Polar bears and climate change often misrepresented in media

Before Governor Sarah Palin started dominating the national media, polar bears were probably Alaska's most famous residents. The animals have been in the news...

Anchorage’s Native charter school opens, but is still recruiting students

Classes have started at the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, but Anchorage's newest K through 6th grade alternative is still looking for more...

Ted Stevens' defense team's pre-trial complaints mostly rejected

The Judge in the federal case against Senator Ted Stevens ruled on most of the motions before him today. Libby Casey, APRN - Washington, DC Download...

Nikolski wind turbine awaiting State power hookup a year later

For nearly one year, the remote Aleutian islands community of Nikolski has been waiting to connect a wind turbine to their diesel power plant....

Fairbanks ready for Palin event this evening; only supporters wanted

People are gathered in Fairbanks to welcome Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin back to Alaska. The Alaska Republican Party is sponsoring the...

Mat Valley's agricultural history disappearing in fast development

The Matanuska Valley's growth spurt during the past decade has come at a cost. Some residents are now worried that the Valley's farmland --...

Cold Bay air terminal opens, handling up to 120 passengers

The Cold Bay airstrip, often used as a backup when airports in Anchorage or Fairbanks are shut down, finally has a place where passengers...

Anthropologist Rosita Worl wins major anthropology award

A Southeast Alaska Native leader is being recognized internationally for her work in anthropology. She's the recipient of the Solon T. Kimball Award for...

Anchorage Schools 2008-2009 enrollment rises above projections

Earlier this week, the Anchorage School Board dealt with a situation it hadn't encountered in several years -- more students enrolling than predicted. Len Anderson,...

Prosecution and defense fighting over Stevens trial evidence and processes

The judge presiding over the case against Senator Ted Stevens will hold a hearing tomorrow to go over motions filed over the last few...

U.S. House Democrats promoting their own energy plan

The back-and-forth over energy continues on Capitol Hill. Today Democratic House leaders announced their plan to lower gas prices and increase renewable energy. They're...

Fairbanks preparing for VP candidate Palin's return to Alaska

Palin is scheduled to be back in Alaska tomorrow, and the Alaska Republican Party is holding a campaign rally in Fairbanks to welcome her...