
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Decline in Kittlitz's Murrelet population raises concern

Fluctuations in seabird populations are often seen as indicators of environmental change. That’s why some scientists are worried about high chick mortality and significant...

Anchorage looks for solutions to local bear attacks

Has Anchorage outgrown its ability to coexist with the bears who roam within municipal boundaries?  Last night the public safety committee of the Anchorage...

Urban bears prompt city debate

Has Anchorage outgrown its ability to co-exist with the bears who roam within municipal boundaries? Last night the public safety committee of...

Opposing lawyers present 2 very different pictures of Ted Stevens

Prosecutors and defense lawyers for Senator Ted Stevens presented their opening  arguments in U-S District Court today.  As the judge reminded the panel of...

How much pull is there for Republican candidates in Palin's coattails?

Candidates in this year’s legislative races are preparing to see what kind of “pull”  Governor Palin will have on this year’s general election. Her...

NMFS releases 2008 Beluga survey numbers for Cook Inlet

The National Marine Fisheries Service released the 2008 Cook Inlet Beluga survey numbers today. The number of estimated animals is the same as last...

Kake mulls burning wood to provide local power

Several Southeast communities and businesses are taking a closer look at using wood to power generators and heat buildings. Craig, for example, is already...

Sitka prepares for a new wave of electric vehicles

While many Alaskans are paying fuel bills with their energy checks from the state, others are trying to leverage the temporary relief into something...

Rural exodus boosts Anchorage student numbers

In late August, the Anchorage School District administration predicted the deteriorating economy of bush Alaska would produce a migration of rural families to urban...

Stevens trial jury selected

Senator Ted Stevens arrives at the federal courthouse Wednesday morning with his daughter. They were dropped off in a white van with tinted windows...

Nome losing students and $300,000 in state funding

In Nome, school administrators are discovering there are fewer students in the classrooms this year and that’s threatening to take a big bite out...

Prince William Sound schools also losing students to urban Alaska

School districts around the Prince William Sound also have fewer students in attendance. Cordova, Copper Basin and Valdez have all lost K-12 students. In...

NPR-A oil lease sale pulls in $31 million

The oil industry is still interested in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). A lease sale today pulled in $31 million in high bids --...

Tongass timber sales plan approved with conditions and challenges

Federal officials are telling Tongass Forest managers to provide more cost-effective timber sales. That includes 10-year harvest contracts. The direction comes as part of...

Catholic Church struggling to fill rural Alaska priest positions

The Catholic Church is trying to address a priest shortage that’s hitting hard in its rural Alaska parishes. The Fairbanks Catholic Diocese, which oversees...

Sitka approves hydro, denies wood energy projects

Sitka has taken a big step forward -- and a small step backward -- in securing its energy future. The Sitka assembly last night...

New anthology of Alaskan environment writing by Alaskan residents

A new collection of essays and poems on Alaska's environment is just out in bookstores. "Crosscurrents North: Alaskans on the Environment" was inspired by...

Jury pool trimmed in Ted Stevens trial

The judge presiding over the trial of Senator Ted Stevens narrowed the jury pool today.  Jury selection is not yet complete – the court...

Permanent Fund trustees bullish on national bailout package

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 372 points yesterday and another 161 points today as investors reacted to the U.S. government’s $700 billion plan...

Alaskan investors warned to exercise caution

A Morgan Stanley financial advisor who does business in Alaska is recommending investors exercise caution as the U.S. financial system undergoes a watershed change. ...