
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Proposed municipal budget up, but less than expected

This week Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich presented the proposed municipal budgets for 2009 to the Anchorage Assembly. Last year's budget process produced sharp...

Judge in Stevens case furious with prosecution

The trial of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens teetered dangerously close to falling apart today.  Judge Emmet Sullivan considered declaring a mistrial or dismissing the...

Judicial ruling on "Troopergate" investigation imminent

A judge is expected to rule soon on holding up the release of the Troopergate investigation results until after the November election.  A group...

Nenana flood victims finally return home

Nenana residents displaced by August flooding are mostly back in their homes.  City mayor Jason Mayrand says most people forced out by the worst...

Candidate Palin a magnet for public attention

Governor Sarah Palin and the state itself have attracted the attention of the media worldwide since Palin was selected a month ago as McCain’s...

Sitka's mayoral candidates react to shut down of True Alaska Bottling

Candidates for mayor in Sitka were among the first to offer reactions to the news that True Alaska Bottling had shut down. TAB bottled...

Anchorage proclaims city's first "Green District"

Yesterday morning the municipality joined eight institutions of Anchorage's U-Med area to proclaim the city's first "Green District." Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Download audio

UMED District pledges to go green

Yesterday morning the municipality joined eight institutions of Anchorage's U-Med area to proclaim the city's first "Green District." KSKA's Len Anderson attended the...

Stevens trial dismissed early today

Last night prosecutors in the case of Senator Ted Stevens turned over evidence that Stevens lawyers say would have changed their entire case. It's...

Two dead in northeast Anchorage small plane crash

Two people were killed today when a small airplane lost power shortly after take-off and crashed on a city street in Anchorage. The crash...

VECO CEO Bill Allen takes the stand, talks about Stevens home renovations

Former Veco CEO Bill Allen testified in U.S. District Court today that he did extensive work on Senator Ted Stevens home and didn't get...

Alaska delegation conflicted over financial bailout vote

Senator Stevens went from his trial straight to work at the U.S. Capitol. The Senate will be in session late tonight, voting on a...

SBA small business loan availability tightening up

As U.S. lawmakers argue over the financial bailout plan, small business owners in Alaska may be having a harder time lining up credit. Small...

Palin / Monegan firing matter headed to court tomorrow

All the litigation and political bickering over the investigation into the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan will finally get a day in...

Home heating assistance program opened today with big budget bump

The State begins taking applications today for a vastly-expanded home heating assistance program. The amount of money available has doubled this year to $20...

Anchorage homeless numbers rising

Homelessness in Anchorage is growing. And the number of homeless families and individuals continues to outnumber emergency and low-cost housing available in the city....

Audit: AEL&P's emergency billings A-OK

A new audit says Alaska Electric Light and Power charged its customers properly and did not make any windfall profit after avalanches knocked out...

Fairbanks gang violence unabated

Gang-related trouble continues to plague Fairbanks. Several incidents in the last week, including vehicle-to-vehicle gunfire, have drawn police attention. The latest violence was a...

Abbott multi-murder trial may move away from Sitka

Attorneys for Jason Abbott have asked to move his multiple-homicide trial to Juneau. In a motion filed on September 17, Marci McDannel, with the...

Homer halibut derby winner announced

The 2008 Homer Halibut Jackpot Derby has ended. The winner: a San Rafeal, California fisherman. Emily Schwing, KBBI - Homer Download Audio (MP3)