
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Is Stevens' best defense a bumbling prosecution?

Stevens' case has had a boost recently by an unlikely source: the prosecution. Government prosecutors failed to turn over important documents to defense lawyers,...

Alaskan Marine dies in Afghanistan

An Alaskan serving with the Marines died last week in Afghanistan. Corporal Jason Karella, 20, was killed Thursday while manning the gun turret of...

Scientists: Pollock stocks down, not crashing

Though a mid-water trawl survey shows that pollock biomass is down almost 50%, scientists say pollock stocks are not crashing. Anne Hillman, KUCB - Unalaska Download...

Good bowhead whaling season in progress

Inupiaq whalers from North Slope coastal communities are reporting success in this year's fall bowhead whale hunt. Harry Brower is the chairman of the...

Winning sled dogs draw tremendous energy from fats on the go

A veterinary researcher who studies Iditarod and Yukon Quest dogs is homing in on what enables racing huskies to run fast and far. Dan Bross,...

Troopergate report says Governor Palin abused power

Hordes of international reporters waited more than seven hours today for the release of the investigator Steve Branchflower's highly anticipated 'Troopergate' report. After carefully...

Judge orders governor to maintain personal e-mails

A judge has ordered Governor Palin not to destroy any personal e-mails having to do with state business, and to ask her internet provider,...

Colin Powell testifies in support of Ted Stevens

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says Alaska Senator Ted Stevens' reputation for integrity and truth is "sterling."  The four-star general testified today as...

Navy identifies remains of WWII sub near Kiska

The remains of a World War II submarine, the USS Grunion, have been officially identified by Navy historians. The sub sank near Kiska in...

Fairbanks examines liquified coal as potential fuel source

A report shows coal to liquids technology could provide cheaper fuel for Fairbanks.  A Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation commissioned feasibility study done by Hatch...

Democrat Chris Tuck's candidacy comes under fire

The State House race for District 29 in Anchorage has taken a legal turn as the Republican party is protesting the right of the...

TWIC to become mandatory in February

A new regulation will go into effect early next year that requires many Alaskans to get something called the “Transportation Worker Identification Credential”. Mike Mason,...

Republicans protest candidate's residency and name

The State House race for District 29 has taken a legal turn as the Republican party protested the right of the Democrat candidate to...

Prosecution rests its case in Ted Stevens Trial

The Government rested its case today against Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, who is accused of lying about gifts on his financial disclosure forms.  Now...

Alaska Supreme Court refuses to block "Troopergate" findings

The Supreme court this afternoon refused to block the legislature from releasing the results of an investigation into the firing of Public Safety...

Decoy moose tricks poachers in YK Delta

Two men from the village of Tuluksak are being charged with taking a Moose in a closed season. But the moose they allegedly shot...

State tourism industry leaders meet in Anchorage

This week more than 600 representatives of Alaska's tourism industry have gathered in Anchorage to learn new ways to attract visitors in a shaky...

Coast Guard steps up campaign for early warning from ships in trouble

A series of incidents in Alaska waters recently has prompted the Coast Guard to step up its campaign to get vessel skippers and owners...

Little will run Yukon quest despite losing four dogs in accident

Kasilof musher Jon Little says a training accident that killed some of his top dogs will not stop him from running the Yukon Quest. ...

Barrow mourns the loss of Arnold Brower Sr.

A community elder, whaling captain and North Slope Borough leader is being remembered for his great contributions to his community. Janelle Everett, KBRW - Barrow Download...