
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Feds take public comment on Hilcorp’s offshore Liberty project

Shell may have given up on drilling off Alaska's coast, but federal regulators are now taking public comment on another -- though very different -- offshore drilling proposal. Download Audio

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Launches

The new federal agency designed to protect consumers from bad operators in the financial industry, like lenders and credit card companies, officially launched Thursday.

Doyon names Norm Phillips as its new president

The Interior Native Regional Corporation Doyon has named Norm Phillips as its new president and CEO. Phillips has worked at Doyon for more than...
A blue building with a ramp leading to the front entrance

Opening statements begin in Bethel tobacco trial

On Wednesday, Dolores Hunter vs. Phillip Morris USA went to trial for the third time in seven years. The trial could have wide-reaching implications for the tobacco company. Listen now

The Alaska Fisheries Report with Jay Barrett

Coming up this week, some fishermen in Cordova may have lost their boats to the unnatural dump of snow there; a new factory long-liner will be built in-state, and the dilemma of bycatch.

Wrangell’s water shortage causes borough to declare local disaster

Wrangell is in a water crisis. Between two fish processors and the public, demand is exceeding the water treatment system’s ability to produce clean water. The assembly and borough manager declared a local emergency disaster Tuesday and are asking the public to cut water consumption 30 to 50 percent. Listen now

Holland America Cruise Lines Eliminating Three Alaska Stops

The cruise ship M/S Amsterdam is set to make the first of seven visits to Homer this weekend. But as KBBI’s Aaron Selbig reports, Holland America cruise lines – has decided the ship will not be visiting Homer, Kodiak or Anchorage after this year.

‘Yarn Bomb’ Covers UAA Statue

When you hear here the word “graffiti,” you don’t necessarily associate it with something cozy. But if you’re looking at a yarn bomb, that’s essentially what you’ve got. Yarn bombing, also known as guerilla knitting, involves covering public structures or objects in a colorful, non-permanent way. And UAA just got tagged.

Two dogs are dead in bear attacks in Sitka and wildlife managers are on the hunt

Officials say at least one local bear has done enough damage to warrant an aggressive response.

Breakwater project funded in Port Lions

Port Lions just obtained federal funding for a breakwater construction that will help ease the wear and tear on its harbor. The project will be completed through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which works on the construction and maintenance of water resources and other forms of infrastructure. Bruce Sexauer is the chief of the civil works branch at the Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and says additional breakwater is necessary to provide complete protection for Port Lion’s harbor.

Complaint Filed Against Anti-Marijuana Campaign

At issue is whether the owners of the anti-marijuana group's public relations firm are serving in volunteer capacity and whether the firm's time is being properly accounted. Download Audio

Discord over masks escalates with arrests, Holocaust comparisons at the Anchorage Assembly

Several people were arrested at an Anchorage Assembly meeting on Wednesday night, including one man who was armed, during heated testimony over a proposed mask mandate.

Ketchikan residents protest imitation totem poles carved by convicted murderer

The contested poles are planned decoration for a crafts market. The City Council will mull its regulatory authority over them at a May 16 meeting.

Haines Songwriter Dreams Big, Courts Her Inspiration’s Ear

It’s hard not to dream big among the tall mountains and wild sea in Southeast Alaska – especially in Haines where Christy Tengs serves dreamers and misfits alike in her family’s downtown institution, the Pioneer Bar and Bamboo Room. Even she has a dream – to meet the famous person who has inspired her and propelled her to become a star in her hometown. Download Audio:

Begich Reports Bringing In About $850K In 4Q

U.S. Senator Mark Begich reported bringing in nearly $850,000 toward his re-election effort during the final quarter of 2013. Download Audio

USPS Delays Post Office Closures

The U.S. Postal Service will delay the closure or consolidation of thousands of post offices around the country, including five in Alaska.
a covid test in a us postal service envelope

Free COVID tests by mail are back, starting Monday

The Biden administration says it is trying to prepare for the fall and winter COVID season.

USGS nominee inclined to show data to Interior bosses

If confirmed as USGS director, James Reilly says he'd likely share sensitive data with his higher-ups at the Interior Department if they ask to see it. A demand to release data about the NPR-A led two USGS staffers to quit this winter. Listen now
a trooper car

State tracks a bump in Alaska homicides over the last five years

A state report on the most recent data shows that Alaska’s annual homicide rate increased steadily and significantly over the last decade.

An Alaska legislator for 30 years, friends remember Johnny Ellis as caring and a coalition builder

As a Democrat representing districts in Anchorage, Ellis served in the state House from 1986 to 1992, when he was elected to the state Senate, and he served there until 2016.