
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

University of Alaska president addresses lawmakers after no-confidence votes

The faculty senate at the University of Alaska Fairbanks voted no-confidence in University President Jim Johnsen’s leadership on Monday, Feb. 6. The vote followed the same move by the Anchorage faculty Jan. 13. Johnsen addressed the issue Jan. 8 at a meeting of the Senate Education Committee. Listen now

Problem ‘Ender Cards’ create election headache for Sitka House race

The outcome of Sitka’s House District is in question following a technical failure with a key element of the voting machines. The error was widespread across Southeast. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: July 2, 2014

One Person Dies in Fatal Crash at Merrill Field; Alaska Arctic Policy Commission Listens to Community Input; Soboleff Wins Sealaska Board Seat, Nelson Becomes Chairman; Parnell: Pipeline Agreement Signed; U.S. Senator Still After ANC Contracting Advantages; Rainy Weather Continuing Into July; Rain Causing Problems On Interior Roads; Largest Bristol Bay King Salmon Run Reaches Minimum Escapement; Strong Chum Runs Mean Salmon Openings In Norton Sound; UAA Undergoes Prioritization Process; Rural Housing Loans Open Doors For Affordability In Juneau Download Audio

Visitor Industry Has New Ads For 2011 Summer Visitors

Alaska is boasting a new look! Well, if not exactly the state itself, at least the commercials designed to lure Outside visitors north to...

Troopers investigate death, missing person in Aniak

Alaska State Troopers in the village of Aniak are reporting a death in Aniak, but they say they have not made a positive identification or determined a cause of death.

Police say drug deal preceded Anchorage shooting deaths

Anchorage police say a dispute during a drug transaction preceded the shooting deaths of two men Monday on the city's west side. Download Audio

Arctic research

What lies ahead for the Arctic and the people who live there? Researchers will gather in Anchorage, to present studies on changes in arctic plants and animals, food security and how remote population will need to adapt to increasing development, vessel traffic and tourism. Listen Now

Oh, Chugach tree! Soldotna girl flies to DC to light Alaska spruce

A 74-foot tree from the Chugach National Forest is lit up now on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol. A 10-year-old Soldotna girl helped Speaker of the House Paul Ryan flip the switch. Download Audio
a boat harbor near grass on an overcast day

Verizon customers on Southeast Alaska’s largest island have been without cell service for weeks

Verizon says customers on 3G networks across the state may face similar outages — including in Kodiak, Juneau, Fairbanks and on the North Slope.

Living successfully off the grid

As electricity prices rise and the true cost of fossil fuel usage becomes apparent, some people are choosing alternative energy sources. One Dillingham couple...

Murkowski's mercury bill signed into law

President Bush today signed a bill banning the export of mercury -- a dangerous neurotoxin that is especially hazardous to children and women. The...
two dogs stand and sit upright as a person prepares to feed them

Iditapod: Halfway there, fully committed

Iditarod mushers and their dog teams are now either in the middle of their mandatory 24-hour layovers or back out on the trail, if they opted to do that earlier. We've got the frontrunners at the Cripple checkpoint, as well as a chat with the folks who 24ed in McGrath, now making up the chase pack. There's also an old-timer for our Dog of the Day, a couple listener questions about how to get into dog mushing and, related, what it means to be a handler.

Anchorage: Data Show 2% Dip In Major Crime

Outgoing Mayor Dan Sullivan held a press conference Tuesday at City Hall to explain that statistics for the last year tell a more optimistic story than the one on the campaign trail.

Heroin, Meth Seized In Kodiak Arrests

Three Kodiak residents are behind bars and more heroin is off the streets after their arrest Monday afternoon.

Assembly Weighs Election Date Change

An Anchorage Assembly member wants to move the Municipal Election from spring to fall. He says he believes it will boost turnout, which has averaged around 29 percent since 1993. But other Assembly members says it's a bad idea and want the public to weigh in before any change is made.

Juneteenth and Indigenous Peoples Day are now Anchorage municipal holidays

The Anchorage Assembly on Tuesday unanimously agreed to add the two holidays.

Alaska teens’ perspective on mental health stigma and advocacy

The stigma of mental health is one of the biggest barriers to people seeking effective treatments for depression and other mood disorders. Mental health advocacy programs are often poorly funded compared to visible medical conditions like cancer and heart disease. Thanks for listening!

Alaska Morning News: Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Russian Orthodox Bishop Nikolai ordered to take leave of absence

National leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are ordering Alaska Bishop Nikolai Soraich to take a leave of absence, and say they will investigate...

State House proposes new campaign fundraising rules for legislators

A state House Committee today approved new limits on campaign fundraising during the legislative session. The State Affairs Committee approved a bill by Anchorage...